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Perhaps Mother Nature offers no greater force than that of the earthquake (also referred to as a temblor).

Formally defined an earthquake is a sudden movement of the earths crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity (Live Science, 2010). Across the span of time, earthquakes have been recorded for their incredible destructive forces, and their ability to awe mankind with their unparalleled force. Earthquakes can often strike without any warning, leveling large cities and killing scores of innocent people. Not only can earthquakes bring harm to society through these methods of destruction, but they can also cause millions of dollars worth of damage to the areas they destroy causing economic chaos.

From what the USGS Map shows I see that there is a smaller chance for earthquakes in the middle of the United States, whereas, there is a higher risk toward the California area. There is a minimal chance in my hometown of Manhattan, KS, within the next 50 years. I have noticed that a lot of earthquakes that have happened recently are near or in the water. On Tuesday August 3rd there was an earthquake in the Molucca Sea with a magnitude of 6.3.

If I had the choice I would rather not live in one of the red areas on the map. The thought of living somewhere that has earthquakes scares me because you do not get a warning; you never know when an earthquake will strike. There are many people who live in places with earthquakes that are terrified of tornados just as I am afraid of earthquakes, but at least with a tornado you have more of a warning. If I were forced to relocate to one of the red areas I would prepare an earthquake preparedness kit with:

Get a 5 gallon Sealable Bucket or bin to store the survival kit in. Should be one for every 3 or 4 people in home. Put emergency food and water in bucket. Use canned...

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