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-beautiful solo..bila running notes still seragam, good..balancing boleh diperbaiki...kdg2 brass overshadow woodwinds..

good job keyboard percussion player...salute! 1 yg xbpe minat...that aaaawwwwwww eeeaaawwwww thing..dulu ktorg panggil benda tu swelling...klu penyanyi buat bila musician buat. -smach punyer sound better dr tkc..dari dulu smpai skrg, tkc main kalau bole smpai nak pecah stage..tahu la korg strong tp agak2 la..dr exaltation woc thn 2003 smpai la pilatus last year..mmg gedabak bunyi mcm bazooka..time disney festival je best sgt2..persis ni pun main kalut macam ribut..xkan la nervous kot, kan every year final...kdg2 mengganggu tone.. -not that good in articulation..must work harder on accents and tonguing...xylo and bell be relax u're rushing. and oboe is the worst, disgrace..tone is bad and please dont make that vibrato again its an eargasm!! trumpets must practise high notes and phrasing..and overall u girls playing too loud resulting in no dynamic and control it seems that y! p/s : take note for all strength and weakness

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