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Impact of Western Culture in Bangladesh

Presented By: Group D

Introduction Basic of the study Importance of the topic Positive impact of westernization Negative impact of westernization Objectives of the study Effect, Treatment & Determination Observation Conclusion

Western culture is a culture that usually perform by the whole world. Basically young generation of today are highly influenced by western culture. Bangladesh is a melting pot of races. She, therefore, has a mixed culture. However, her deep rooted heritage is amply reflected in her architecture, literature, dance, drama, music and painting and also in peoples lifestyle. She has own Language Bengali which boasts a rich literary heritage. Now if we speak about Western culture, it is a wide range of culture that performed by the whole world. Now-a-days this culture is highly spreading in our country and people are paying their interest into western culture by the help of globalization. Mostly the young generations and highly aristocratic families are very much influenced by western culture which holds negative impact on our own culture. So, we have to make clear consciousness to the community for making strong cultural bond and better society.

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