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SIMPLE PAST TENSE Simple Past Tense asl olarak gemiteki olaylar anlatmak iin kullanlr Aada bu zamann

n kullanmlarn ayrntl biimde grebilirsiniz Auxiliary verbs (Yardmc fiiller): did/didn't RNEK TABLO

DKKAT! Olumlu cmlelerde herhangi bir yardmc fiil gelmez ve fiilin ikinci hali kullanlr Olumsuz ve soru cmlelerinde did veya didn't yardmc fiili kullanlr ve fiil yaln haliyle kalr EXAMPLES (RNEKLER): (+) I visited my uncle (Amcam ziyaret ettim) (Bu cmle olumludur ve grld gibi fiilin ikinci hali kullanlmtr ) (-) I didn't visit my uncle yesterday (Dn amcam ziyaret etmedim ) (Bu cmle olumsuzdur ve didn't yardmc fiili kullanld iin fiil yaln haliyle gelmitir ) (?) Did I visit my uncle yesterday (Dn amcam ziyaret ettim mi?) (Bu cmle soru cmlesidir ve "did" yardmc fiili geldii iin fiil yine yaln haliyle kullanlmtr ) REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS (Dzenli ve dzensiz fiiller) ngilizce'de fiiller dzenli ve dzensiz olarak ikiye ayrlr Dzenli fiilerin ikinci halini kullanmak iin fiilin sonuna -ed taks eklenir Example: want wanted clean cleaned wash washed Dzensiz fiiller adndan da anlalaca gibi dzensiz olarak deiirler bu yzden ezberlenmesi gerekir Dzensiz fiil tablosunu grmek iin tklayn Example: gowent swim swam do did USES (KULLANIMLARI) USE 1Completed Action in the Past (Gemite tamamlanm eylemler)

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past Sometimes the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind

(Simple Past Tense gemite belirli bir zamanda balam ve bitmi eylemler iin kullanlr Bazen konuan kii tam olarak bir zaman belirtmeyebilir, ama mutlaka cmlede bir gemi zaman fikri vardr ) EXAMPLES: I saw a movie yesterday (Dn bir film seyrettim ) I didn't see a movie yesterday (Dn bir film seyretmedim ) Last year, I traveled to Italy (Geen yl talya'ya seyahat ettim ) Last year, I didn't travel to Italy (Geen yl talya'ya seyahat etmedim ) She washed her hands (Ellerini ykad) She didn't wash her hands (Ellerini ykamad) USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions (Gemite tamamlanm eylemler serisi)

We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past (Simple Past Tense'i gemite tamamlanm birka eylemi arka arkaya anlatmak iin kullanrz EXAMPLES: I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim (lerimi bitirdim, sahile yrdm ve yzmek iin gzel bir yer buldum ) He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00 (Havaalanndan saat 8'de geldi, 9'da otele kaydn yaptrd ve dierleriyle 10'da bulutu ) USE 3 Single Duration (Tek sre)

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past A duration is a long action often used with expressions like "for two years," "for five minutes," "all day" or "all year " (Simple Past Tense gemite balam ve bitmi bir sreci anlatrken kullanlr Bu sre uzundur ve genelde "iki yldr", "tm gn" veya "tm yl" gibi zaman ifadeleriyle kullanlr ) EXAMPLES: I lived in Turkey for two years (ki yl Trkiye'de yaadm ) Ahmet studied English for five years (Ahmet be yl ngilizce alt ) They sat at the beach all day (Tm gn sahilde oturdular )

We talked on the phone for thirty minutes (Yarm saat telefonda konutuk ) How long did you wait for them? We waited for one hour (Onlar ne kadar beklediniz? Bir saat bekledik ) USE 4 Habit in the Past (Gemiteki alkanlklar)

The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past It can have the same meaning as "used to" To make it clear that we are talking about a habit we often use expressions such as "always," "often," "usually," "never," " when I was a child" or " when I was younger" in the sentence (Simple Past Tense ayn zamanda gemite vazgetiimiz alkanlklar iin de kullanlr "used to" kalbyla ayn amala kullanlabilir Bahsettiimiz eylemin bir alkanlk olduunu aka belirtmek iin cmlelerde "always" (daima), "often" (sk sk), "usually" (genellikle) ve "never" (asla)gibi zaman ifadeleri kullanlr EXAMPLES: I played basketball when I was a child (ocukken basketbol oynardm ) He played the guitar (Gitar alard ) She worked at the hospital after school (Okuldan sonra hastanede alrd ) They never went to school, they always skipped (Hi okula gitmezlerdi, hep kaarlard ) TIME EXPRESSIONS IN SIMPLE PAST TENSE Time expressions zaman belirten ifadelerdir ve ngilizce'de her zaman iin farkl ifadeler kullanlr zellikle snavlarda cmlenin hangi tense olduunu anlamak iin time expression'larn bilinmesi ok nemlidir yesterday (dn) I went to theatre yesterday (Dn sinemaya gittim ) last week/year/Sunday etc (Geen hafta/yl/Pazar vs ) He bought a car last week (Geen hafta araba ald ) two years/four days/three minutes ago (iki yl/drt gn/ dakika nce) I saw her two minutes ago (ki dakika nce onu grdm Last night (dn gece) I watched a movie last night on TV (Dn gece televizyonda bir film izledim )

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