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So BASICALLY HOIC is pretty useless UNLESS it is used incombination with "BOOSTERS", AKA "SCRIPTS"/BOOST PACKS / BOO M BOOM POWER These boosters come in the form of .HOIC scripts. hoic scripts are very simple and follow VB6 mixed with syntax although sl ightly altered here are the functions and globals that relate the HOIC: booster -> This is a global variable that contains the contents of the current s cript (string) Headers -> This is a global variable that is an array of strings, and will be us ed to form headers in requests sent to the target URL. To add a header, simply do something like this: Headers.Append("User-Agent: penis") or Headers.Append("User-Agent: penis x" + CS tr(powerFactor) lbIndex -> Index into list box (cant really be used outside of the program, usel ess to developers) PostBuffer -> String buffer containig post paramets, ie PostBuffer = "lol=2&lolx d=5" powerFactor -> Integer from 0-2, 0 being low, 1 being medium , 2 being high totalbytessent -> a count of the number of bytes sent to the target already (pre sistent across each attack) URL -> url to attack UsePost -> boolean, true = uses post, otherwise itll use get

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