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Reaction -

with air

Oxide 2Ra(s) + O2(g) 2RaO(s) Superoxide Ra(s) + O2(g) RaO2(s) Nitride 3Ra(s) + N2 Ra3N2(s)


with water Ra(s) + 2H2O(g) Ra(OH)2(aq) + H2(g) Reaction with halogen I'm not sure that radium has been reacted directly with the halogens, although certainly two of the expected products radium(II) chloride and radium(II) bromide are known.

large radium anomalies in the Lake Maurice area, South Australia as seen in an aerial gamma-ray survey (Image shows false colour K-U-Th = r-b-g image draped over U channel data acting as a elevation model.)

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