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Critiques of intervention in counselling This article used a Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) because this article gives

an insight to the reader to think the truth of these writings. This article makes a readers as known as Sayang Sabariah think and analyze the meaning contained in the writings of Dr.Hm Tuah Iskandar al-Haj about her discussions that always puts a man in the wrong places so the women see they must be careful with them (men). in this case the author also uses the theory of REBT by Albert Elliss, wheres the author try to drop out the belief system of Sayang Sabariah's by debating the issue that is included with some of the facts, the arguments, the statistics and examples that may be can made a strong affection to drop out Sayang Sabariahs belief system.

The author should not use an article to struck men even though the purpose to bring an awareness and insight to be a better men. This is also may can give a negative impact such as what the Sayang Sabariah comment at the author.

As counselors, we should realize that knowledge, experience and thinking is very important element to prepare ourselves for the possibility in the future which is that comes apart to build themselves into an excellent and effective counselor.

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