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I do not write as to explain 2012, but only for pointing reading paths for the interested.

On the Internet rarely anything is taking seriously, and whoever writes profusely will soon enough be talking to himself. The Nibiru theory exists solely because Zecharia Sitchin didnt read Jeremy Narby. Maya and Sumerian astrology came from the same source. John Major Jenkins was right when he said the Long Count came from the teonancatl, as McKenna didnt know about it by the time he conceived the Timewave, from which the Web Bot probably copies most of its predictions. I didnt study enough the Torah, the Dead Sea Scrolls, John Marco Allegro and Jewish Kabballah as to comment on Biblical prophecies, so Ill write only about the Wave. John Sheliak disagrees on its novelty values, and they may be an undecidable problem. However the resonances came from chinese astrology and they do not change among Wave versions ( see Table 1 from Derivation of the Timewave from the King Wen Sequence of Hexagrams or Where did the Timewave come from? ). IMHO novelty came from Whitehead and Chardin, not the I Ching, and therefore you can read the Wave without minding the y-axis. Steve Krakowski seems to have sucessfully matched the I Ching with the Sephirot. You may match the Wave and his findings as follows: divide the days between a date and the end of its baktun by 64: the remainder is its hexagram ( if the remainder is 0, the hexagram is 64 ). For instance: the hexagram for 11/09/01 generates Atu XVI. Calculate the resonances by multiplying the distance between the date and the end of its baktun as informed by Table 1. Whoever completely dismisses as a significant date should explain why is the year Charles Russell and the Bible Student movement marked the invisible return of Jesus Christ to earth while obviously unaware of the Long Count. If youre a McLuhanist that reads as dawn of the electric age as the first incandescent lamp with an electric light bulb was patented this year. The Gutenberg Age started at with the Thirty Years War and the end of Rudolfs alchemical dreams, the Manuscript age at the 11th with the invention of word spacing and silent reading ( read Paul Saenger ). For crying out loud, our katun started with the invention of the Mosaic web browser. Theres a significant event at the start of every katun and baktun, so why not this time?

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