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-----------------------------------------------------------README for THE Calendar Excel Template June 24, 2007 Version: 1.4.

0 -----------------------------------------------------------Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Vertex42 LLC This document includes information about the excel calendar template and instructions for opening the file. -----------------------SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS -----------------------This template should work with most versions of Microsoft Excel (with the exception of versions older than Excel 97). Some features, such as the color scheme adjustment, may not work in Excel 97. -----------------------INSTALLING -----------------------After extracting the spreadsheet from the "zipped" file, just save the spreadsheet somewhere that you'll be able to find it again. This template requires no "installation". However, it does use a few macros. The macros will not affect your Excel toolbar and will not alter any default Excel settings. The macros are used to modify the colors in the calendar. --------------------------------------------Enabling Macros in Excel 2000/2002(XP)/2003 --------------------------------------------Go to Tools -> Macro -> Security... and select the "Medium" option in the "Security Level" tab. The next time you try to open the spreadsheet, it should give you the option to enable macros. -------------------------------Enabling Macros in Excel 2007 -------------------------------You should have your security set to "Disable all macros with notification." See the following article about macro security in Excel 2007: When you open the file, a bar will show up that will say "Security Warning: Macros have been disabled." Click on the Options button and select "Enable this content".

-----------------------TECHNICAL SUPPORT -----------------------As this is a free template, no technical support will be guaranteed, but we will respond to your questions as soon as possible. CONTACT INFORMATION ============================ Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Bugs? Your feedback is greatly appreciated. See the following page for contact information: -----------------------RELEASE NOTES -----------------------Version 1.4.0 (5/24/2007): - Significant update to calendar formatting - Download includes ready-made 2007, 2008, 2009,and 2010 calendars ---------------------------END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ---------------------------The software End User License Agreement (EULA_ExcelCalendar.txt) for this Excel spreadsheet is contained within the downloaded .zip file. It can also be found at: ___________________________________________________________________ Thank you for supporting! (C) 2004 Vertex42, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

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