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A lady's personal recollections of Waldo Chase. Knew Waldo all years I grew up.

Waldo was what people call today a hippie, a tru e Hippie. He lived far out on Hood Canal, in the woods, in a cabin with some sor t of paper walls. He mostly ate off the land, oysters, mushrooms, any edible fro m the forest and cooked it on his wood burning stove which he used for heat and cooking. He was a intelligent, slow moving, kind gentle man. Early mornings you would often see him rowing along on the Hood Canal in his Kyack. He would take t he wayward and homeless youngsters in and nurture them with kindness, philosophy and art. His artwork was beautiful and I have a few prints left to me by my dad . My dad was a close aquintance of Waldo and in Waldos later years did what he c ould, if it be clothes, money or food to help Waldo. Waldos work was wonderful, but he never got rich or even what we consider today as comfortable, but I don't think he cared. He lived in his little cabin (basica lly a little paper walled shack, which I loved and was cozy) until it caught fir e one night and burnt to the ground. At this point I'm a little confused on what happened to Waldo. My dad who lived in Seattle called and asked me to go see if Waldo was okay and if he needed anything. My dad did what he could to help. I heard Waldo was put in a nursing home and died shortly after. My dad was very honored to know Waldo, he knew what a wonderful artist he was many years ago. Un fortunately, my father had a stroke shortly after the fire. I also have a original painting of Waldos. He painted a picture of Orre Nobles b each (which is where we lived at that time 1948). He was taking care of my two b rothers because my mom was taken to Shelton via ambulance (Bushells telephone tr uck) because of a tube pregnancy. It is very late and I must go, but I loved Wal do and all the people who lived in Union, Washington, the artists, the weavers, the shrimpers, and so many more interesting and wonderful characters. Please exc use any spelling or etc. errors, I am very new at using the computer and don't k now how to work all yet. K. I.

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