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FORMULA A formula is an equation that performs operations in the worksheet.

TO CONSTRUCT A FORMULA (Note: A formula calculates values in a specific

order) 1. A formula in Microsoft excel always begins with an equal sign (=). 2. Following the equal signs are the elements to be calculated which are separated by calculation operators. 3. Excel calculates the formula from left to right, according to specific order for each operator in the formula. You can change the order of operations by using parenthesis

Calculation Operators in formulas

Microsoft Excel includes different types of Calculation Operators: Arithmetic, Comparison and Text Concatenation

Type of Operators

ARITHMETIC OPERATORS + (plus sign) Addition - (minus sign) Subtraction * (asterisk) Multiplication / (forward slash) Division ^ (caret) Exponentiation

= (equal sign) Equal to < (less than sign) less than >=(greater than or equal sign) greater than or equal sign <=(less than or equal sign) less than or equal sign > (greater than sign) Greater than <> (not equal) Not Equal

TEXT CONCATENATION Connects, & (Ampersand) concatenates, two values to produce one continuous text value.

Order of Operations in Formula

ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OPERATOR () % ^ * and / + and & =,<,<=,>,>=,<> DESCRIPTION Parentheses Negation Percentage Exponentiation Multiplication and Division Addition and Subtraction Concatenation Comparison Operators

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