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29, 2011 To: Fox News & News Corp I find myself reaching out to your News Organizations today, in hopes of trying to extend a very SINCERE APOLOGY for my recent behavior on Twitter. My actions were MOST RUDE & ILL MANORED & my language was inexcusable-during my online existence over the past four months. Though I may find I strongly disagree with some of your view points, please know I feel just awful about my own conduct & manors. So please know with the start of a fresh New Year soon approaching us ALL! I can only hope you will forgive me for all of my OWN short comings as a human being. Fore I myself- am guilty of withholding that from you. For that I am also sorry. Yet though I so disagree- I know we all have to be part of the solution. So please know my only hope is for this coming year to usher in GREAT things for OUR nation. She belongs to ALL of us. A Very Proud American Citizen, Rebecca Fountain

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