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eyes in tears and heart in fear what the future will bring ? what life we live ?

filled with sorrow and pain people with great ego people selfish govern the human earth what are they thinking how selfish some one can be dont they life here no matter when time they will know ? is not for ever how much they gain comes be naked in cold soil

empty souls cruel hearts like rocks and ice how you bear your own life? none of their gaines is worth worth it more than life life a precious gift given to us humans from our God so many gifts God have given us and what did we do ? selfish cold narrow minded people we ask for more and more with out thinking with no fear how will you face our God when time comes? what will you say ? That you were wrong ? that you wanted more ? How will you fight those demons that would follow you and make you sweat from fear and make your eyes non stop crying ?? How can they children die children die mothers with stand watching from starvation from cold tears beging for help

my only wish to leave behind my only wish to forget my days of the earth

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