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Long time ago, there was a King who had a Horse from a high race.

Every day king gave Rs.500 to his servant to feed the horse a good food. After a few days, servant thinks that his salary is less and if he could feed the horse by Rs.400 than he kept the remaining Rs.100 by him self. He starts doing this practice of feeding horse less food and keeping the remaining money. After some days, another servant told king about this thing, thus king hired him also as a servant to kept eye on the first servant. After some days, both servants decide to feed the horse by Rs.300 and kept the remaining Rs.200 by Rs.100 each. The third person told this thing to king and king hired him also as a servant to keep check on them. After a few days, these three servants decide to feed the horse by Rs.200 and keep the remaining Rs.300 by them selves by Rs.100 each. King noticed that the health of the horse decreasing day by day, thus he hired another person to find out whats the reason of this decreasing health. When the king hired the fourth person, the first three thinks that they were kept in problem, if the fourth person told the whole thing to king. Thus they took the fourth servant and convince him to be with them and they would gave him money from the food too thus he agreed. Now these four servants feed the horse by Rs.100 and shared the remaining money by Rs.100 each. Now, The king gave Rs.500 for the food of his horse, but the horse is fed by Rs.100 only, and also gave salaries to all four servants instead of one, but of no use because the health of horse going down every coming day

Now, imagine your self as a king and your boutique as a horse so please save your boutique from destroying

Your Well-Wisher

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