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Practice Tests with Answers and Analysis EXAM 1 ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS ‘Section | Multiple Choice Questions |. Since the main route into India was from Muslim regions in the northwest, northern India became ‘Muslim. The conquerors generally did not expand into the south so southern India remained largely Hindu, 2. d: None of the empires completely obliterated the regions they conquered but they were interested in financial benefits. Thus Chinese empires maintained tributary status with Korea and Vietnam while Persia and Rome collected taxes from distant provinces, 3. b: The Confucian ideal of filial piety underlies Chinese patriarchy but the restriction of women con- tinued into later dynasties. The culmination of women’s subservient position was foot binding which started during the Song. 4, et Islam and Christianity are outgrowths of Judaism while Buddhism was derived from Hinduism, All require some form of spiritual awareness, but while some governments adopted new religions eventu ally, like the Romans, they did not requir its worship at frst joth Islam and Christianity promise rewards after death while some early Christianity was forced ‘upon regions of Europe. Isiam always allowed the retention of native religions. Expansion was occa- sionally led by the religious leader, but often, as with Clovis, a secular leader was responsible for 6. a: Despite being too early for the Mongols and the Han and Roman empires, trade was frequent and prosperous along the silk roads. Thus there was no necessity to move all trade tothe Indian Ocean, Burope, on the other hand, was feudal so trade was local and regional 17. c: Alexander, Tamerlane, Mahmud of Ghazni, and Babur were commanders of large land forces, but Alfonso d” Alboquerque was 2 Portuguese mariner during the period of exploration, who captured Goa. 8. d: While the crusades brought new luxury items to the European markets, new cities promoted the professions of talented artisans. They set up shop in the urban areas of Europe and thei crafts often dominated the local market. 9. b: In Mongol and North American cultures, a shaman makes predictions just asa diviner does in Af- ‘icon societies. Caliphs and daimyos are elite ruling members of society while cultivators refers to a peasant class. 10. : While few Greck women would have been educated, elite Egyptian and Mesopotamian women, ‘were literate, In India, Sanskrit, the language of the Vedas, was almost exclusively taught to men since women could not serve a priests |, €: The Vietnamese adopted Confucian practices into its educational system and Buddhism became the predominant religion. India was the home of Buddhism and Indians caried it to southeast Asia as well as China. Some Mongols converted to it but did not adopt Confucianism for long, However, the islands of southeast Asia remained largely exempt from Chinese philosophies but not Chinese trade. 12, €: The rulers of Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica ruled from city-states that were surrounded by agri- cultural lands. Thus they were decentralized and they both maintained monarchies rather than other forms of rule, 460 | Practice Exam 1 1: Mali was a large Muslim state in west ASftice whose rulers like Mansa Musa, were devout Mus- Jims. Islam technically does not have priests so the kings did not have priestly advisers and, although they encouraged Islam, they did not force it on members oftheir nation, 14, ¢: No matter the period, Indian art has @ busy quality to it with many figures engaged in many activi- ties: And if that is not enough to identify it, the elephant indicates that it can only be Hindu. 15, bs The reference to “Celestial Kingdom” indicates a superiority and the use of barbarians is seen only in Japanese, Chinese, and Roman translations. Furthermore indifference to imported goods isa key tw the thinking ofthe Qing. 16, bt In 800 €-£., only two societies in the world had variations of feudalism, and those were Europe and Japan. They shared unique features of feudal society such as lanted lords, warrior classes, and social contracts. : The initial expansion of Islam was by military conquest on the Arab peninsula, into the Middle East, and then across north Africa. Muslim armies entered Spain but were defeated in southem France in the Battle of Tours in 732, 18, ‘This is the Mayan temple complex at Tikal. The stepped pyramidal shape and its steep stairs marks itas Mesoamerican rather than Egyptian or Mesopotamian 19, bz While there were mound builders throughout the Mississippi River valley, Cshokia mound outside of St. Louis isthe most extensive mound site found in North America 20. +: South American jade would be the most appropriate evidence of trade because the other goods are derived from places that did not have contact with the Americas yet. The presence of them would ac- tually support th idea that some other culture built the mounds. 21, d: All the others are possible through archaeological investigations, bu itis impossible to know the social structure of vanished peoples, and who might have built the mounds. n the Mongol defeat ofthe Chinese, its true tht the Song leadership had a weak military, but without the leadership of Chingghis Khan, the Mongols would not have been able to organize to make such a stunning conquest. 23, a: Despite the inequality between social classes and the existence of slavery, South Americans were primarily motivated toward independence as North Americans had been in the American revolution. ‘The Haitians, Russians, and French were concerned about social classes while the Iranian revolution ‘was focused on American influences and radical Islam, 24, e: The use of the word “infidel” refers to nonbelievers of Islam so either the caliph or an invader ‘would make the most sense, Since the Baghdad caliphs did not invade Indi, itis apparent thatthe in- ‘vader was Babur who did not spare his disdain forthe Indians he conquered. 25, d: Women in those three societies played an essential role in commerce. Mongol women were key t0 trade ina society where all men were warriors, while African women played equal roles with men in ttade. In urban Europe, women were artisans and merchants, even maintaining their own guilds, 26, d: The governments of the Ottoman and Chinese were highly organized bureaucracies that filed to foster the development of new military technology. While there were chaotic moments in the Otto- ‘man government, the Qing dynasty was enormously stable. Furthermore, neither the Qing nor the ‘Ottomans completely rejected foreign trade and ther relationships with foreign countries. 461 Practice Tests with Answers and Analysis 27, b: While the Portuguese were the first to land on the shores of south Africa, the Protestant Dutch ac- ‘ually settled it. The Protestant English setled large ateas of coastal North America. Although there ‘was a small group of Puritan separatists, the primary settlers of North America and South ATfiica had monetary goals suropean domination of Asia was almost complete in the nineteenth century. However, the Meiji government of Japan swifly adapted European technology so that by 1905, the Japanese navy ti uumphed over the Russians. joth the Russians and Japanese threw the weight of the government behind swift industralization atthe end of the nineteenth century. In Britain and France, industralization was achieved largely out- side of government policies while German industrialists worked with their governments rather than under the direction of their governments 30. e: Social Darwinism led to a belief that certain races were more suited for survival of the fittest than. others. While Europeans believed thatthe Japanese were backward at frst, the shock of their victory cover the Russians led to the belief that they were the natural leaders of the so-called yellow races, 31. e: India and Ghana gained independence through peaceful means. After World War Il the British ‘government was ready to end its imperial legacy, so when Gandhi and Nkrumah used pacifist mass actions, they were successful 32. d: The Punch cartoon is fatty ghoulish which leads one to suspect that their imperialistic regimes Were harsh. The British and French did not collaborate on imperialism but they were proud of their ability to make strong statements of colonial power 33. b: A radical social change isa permanent change in social class such asthe abolition of the slave class in Haiti, or the elimination of Russian and French nobility. However, only the Haitian revolution climinated a social class as well as gaining independence from France. 34. b: While the British believed in their empire before World War II, by 1946, they were committed to freeing India. However, Muslim and Hindu activists had become convinced that partition was the ‘only solution that would grant equal rights to their followers. 35, d: Both Germany and Japan were considered economic miracles despite the bombing devastation from World War Il. They used the ad they received to propel themselves into the forefront of the ‘world’s economie leading nations. 36. a: During the period of industrialization, a unique demographic transition oceurted. A drop in popu- lation came initially from decreased mortality rates but was followed by lower fertility rates due to ‘voluntary birth control. 37. e: Both Russia and China have entered the world marketplace and so have allowed private enterprise. ‘The attempt to maintain a stable government led Yeltsin to attack the Duma (Russia's parliament) and the Chinese to crack down on dissidents in Tiananmen Square, 38. e: The financial supervision of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua combined with control over the Panama Canal point to the U.S. protection of economic interests. Certainly there have been military incursions but those have been in protection of U.S, economic interest, 39, d: The Shang so monopolized the bronze industry that its well-practiced artisans produced bronze items intricately designed and incised. Three-legged vessels are also quite common in Shang art. 40, e: The Arabic language allowed the easy transmission of information, trade goods, and coordination ‘of governance throughout dar al-Islam which ranged from Spain to the Middle East. 4 | | | | | | | i | | j

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