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Brooklyn, New York 01/12/90
1. Primitive Future
2. Inner Self
3. Mass Hypnosis
4. Troops Of Doom
5. Slaves Of Pain
6. Stronger Than Hate
7. Orgasmatron
8. Escape To The Void
9. Murder
10. Sceptic Schizo
11. RIP Rest In Pain
12. Beneath The Remains
6Dn Dlego, CDllfornlD 19/07/94
1. Refuse/Resist
2. Territory
3. Troops of Doom
4. Slave New World
5. Nomad
6. Propaganda
7. Beneath the Remains / Escape to the Void
8. Kaiowas
9. We Who Are Not as Others
10. Dead Embryonic Cells
11. Biotech Is Godzilla
(featuring Phil Anselmo on vocals)
12. Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
13. Policia

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