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Hey Mark, how i told you last week, next Saturday i'm going to go on a wonderful trip to India.

Since in our country is Winter, i thought about going to a nice, warmer place, where the Sun paints everything in yellow. To make my trip even better i made a plan with the places i am going to visit during my stay there. As i thought where to go and what to do i stopped on Delhi, the capital of India, Mumbay and Calcutta. Of course, first of all, im going to visit Taj Mahal, a palace in the city of Agra. After that im going to visit the spice markets where the colours steal your eyes and the beautiful smell drift you away in a land you will not forget ever. As you know, i just love shopping so im definitely going to visit the shops where you can buy the Sari, the traditional clothing of women and to get there im going go by Rickshaw which is a mean of transport similar to carriage pulled by a bicycle. In the evening im thinking of going to see their rituals and, if posible, to take part in most of them. I hope im going to have a lot of fun and my pland wont be ruined by the bad weather.

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