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"the universe was justified, the universe suddenly usurped the unlimited dimensions of hope.

" (jorge luis borges, "the library of babel") "going in different directions we get instead of separation a sense of space." (john cage, "diary: how to improve the world (you will only make matters worse)")

It is probable that part of humanity's evolutionary process has been to progressively gain an understanding of itself and all other earth species as part of a global environment, enhancing its capacity to understand this environment as a totality that includes man made infrastructures and social physical and psychological relationships between all species as integral, nondisgregated parts of it as well. This gradual change in consciousness is both cause and effect of the evolution of technology, within which the advance in telecommunications has been increasingly central towards the second half of the twentieth century. Communication, a primordial behavioral characteristic of man and the basic principle of operation that enables the existence of environments, has, through the evolution of varied technologies, gradually overcome past territorial and physical constraints to become a global phenomenon. Man talks to himself more than ever in history, which in turn means that he gets to ponder himself and his environment on a grand scale more than ever before. Major sociocultural and political transformations necessarily parallel this intellectual process and continuously affect the way all sorts of resources are distributed and administered globally. In this context, architecture, one of man's principal mediums to physically shape and affect the environment, has possibly to re-expand its role in society as a political tool, an enabler, a signifier. Under this process of re-expansion, notions like utopia, impossibility, refusal, reform, protest, transformation, all regain a center within architectural thought and production.

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