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Seok-Man Yoon. 2005. Some Considerations on the Localistic Hypothesis. Language and
Linguistics 36, 71-89. This paper discusses, from a critical point of view, the
localistic hypothesis' which constitutes one of the primary pillars of cognitive
linguistics. The localistic hypothesis grants a linguistic and cognitive
primordiality to spatial expressions. But a pure spatial 'localism' cannot be
maintained. Despite an irrefutable evidence that numerous originally spatial
expressions are used for non-spatial semantic domains, e.g. time and notion', this
paper concludes that it is imprudent to affirm that our mental world is primarily
based on a spatial model. Through an analysis of Korean, French and English
paraphrastic sentences, some doubts are also expressed on the spatial character of
certain 'image schemas' which are regarded as the foundation of 'conceptual
Keywords: Localism, Localistic Hypothesis, Cognition, Metaphor, Conceptualization, Schema
: , , , , , ,

(localistic hypothesis)
( ) ()

Lakoff & Johnson(1980 : 59-60)

* 2003 .

72 36

Consider the following examples:

Harry is in the kitchen.
Harry is in the Elks.
Harry is in love.
The sentences refer to three different domains of experience: spatial,
social, and emotional. None of these has experiential priority over
others; they are all equally basic kinds of experience.
But with respect to conceptual structuring there is a difference.
The concept IN of the first sentence emerges directly from spatial
experience in a clearly delineated fashion. It is not an instance of
a metaphorical concept. The other two sentences, however, are
instances of metaphorical concepts (...)"( ).

. 13-14
Maximus Planude(1260-1330)

( ) ( )
.1) (:
. , ,
, ,
, (state) (change of state)
. 3)
1) Cf: Lyon (1980 : 338).
2) Cf. Ibid ; (2001 : 47).
3) R.W. Langacker Space Grammar .




, , ,




. ,

. ()

, 60
as, during, except,

like, owing to, save, since 6 .4) ,


4) Cf. Groussier (1997 : 222).

74 36

.5) , <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

. , <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

.6) , <> 15
<> ,
.7) , <->

( : ) , , ,
<> .8)


. ,
r ere
before , 14
during 6
. , save except
, pendant durant
5) Cf. (1982 : 64-80) ; (1980) ; (1985) ; (2001 : 5760); (2003 : 53-76) ; (2004 : 65-70).
6) (2003)
7) , ibid.
8) Cf. (2004 : 66).


. <>
<>, <>
9) .


MIller & Johnson-Laird .
Piaget(1948) 0-18
(sensorimotor activity)
Johnson-Laird(1996) .
Indeed, it may be that human inference in general is founded
on the ability to construct spatial, or quasi-spatial models, which
also appears to play a significant part in syllogistic reasoning and
reasoning with multiple quantifiers.

, Spelke(1994) 3

. .


9) / ; / .
10) Piaget & Inhelder (1948) ; cf. Groussier (1997 : 226).

76 36

. , (linguistic
(level of mental representation)

? ,
? ,

, , ,

G. Guillaume12)
3.1.2. , Guillaume Pottier
11) Cf. (1982 : 65).
12) 20
(psychomcanique) .
13) Guillaume (1948-1949 : 234) : Le temps n'est pas reprsentable partir
de lui-,mme, ,mais seulement en termes d'espace... Le temps dont
l'esprit humain a l'exprience est destin trouver, dans l'esprit
humain mme, une reprsentation spatialise, la seule possible.


Guillaume .14)
. (rversible)
, (irrversible)
. Pottier (to)
. <Where are you?>
<When are you?> (cf. 1992 : 73).
, (le Temps universel)
. ,
(le temps spatialis)
Pottier (JE) , ("Je
suis victime du temps") .16)

() ()
. Pottier
(rel) (irel)
(indicatif) (subjonctif) .

14) Il est curieux que cette suprmatie de l'espace est soutenue par Gustave
Guillaume (...) (Pottier 2000 : 18).
15) Pottier (1993 : 199).
16) ,
(spatialisation) ,
Pottier .

78 36

3.1.3. , Descls & al. (1996 : 74 sq.)

, ,
(primitives toplogiques)
(localisme spatial) / (localisme
cognitif) .17)
3.1.4. ,

Piaget ,
18-2 . 11-18

. , (change
of state) .

17) Nous proposons une reformulation plus abstraite de ce que nous appelons
un localisme cognitif en (...) refusant de rduire les catgories grammaticales les plus fondamentales (prdication et cas ) des reprsentations purement spatiales (...), puisque chaque mouvement peru consomme
du temps (...) ; cf. Descls (1993).
18) ' ' ?


. 2.1.

( )
<> 15 <>(() + ())
. <>
. <>, <>, <>
? <>
<> , <>, <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>, <> ?
pendant durant .
, en l'espace de .
espace .
J'ai dmnag deux fois pendant(durant) un an.
J'ai dmnag deux fois en l'espace d'un an.


, Rousseau(1993 : 159-160)
(conjonction, disjonction, implication )

19) .
< ...> /vs/ < ...>

80 36

. 4 .

4 (relation
dissymtrique) (implication)
, Rousseau
- : -que/o + -bi > (c)ubi (= ) >
- : -quo/o + -m > quom > cum (= )
: -quo/o + -d > quod (= - )

: -quo/o + -i > qu ( )

Rousseau ,
1962 Pottier
() .20)

20) Cf. Pottier (1962 : 127) ; (2000 : 18).


3.2.2. , : G. Lakoff (image
schema) ? (1997 : 140 sq.)

(preconceptual) .
, (2004 : 7)
(image schema)
. ,
.21) .
1) He went to school.
2a) His face went red.
2b) Il a rougi / Il est devenu rouge.
2c) .

1) .
. , 2a) Lakoff

. go
, 2a) 2b) 2c)
21) Johnson(1987)
(...) ( ).

82 36

. 1) 2a)
? .
(change of state) .
, 2a), 2b), 2c) ,
. .
< 1>


. 1) - 2c) .
(property) .

. (2001 : 149) .
< >
. .
. .
. .


, , ,


. , , <
( )>
. , .
3a) The milk went bad.
3b) .
3c) .
3d) .

3a) 3b)
(2004 : ix) .

( ).

3a) - 3d) (= )
3a) 3b) . , 3c) 3d)
, Svend stergrd(1997 : 10-11) 3a)

84 36

< 2>

stergrd < 2> < 3>

< 3>

stergrd go
He got sick
(any gradient-like dynamic situation) .22)
, 3a) - 3d) 3a) 3b) . 3c)
3d) .
< 2> < 3> < > < 1>
. 3c) 3d)
. . 3a) - 3d)
(perception) (representation)
. 3a) - 3d)
go (bad) ()
. (SCALE) :
22) Schema (6) (= 2) will also apply if we say 'he got sick' as Talmy
has remarked in Talmy(1988). (...) The schemas presented here are therefore
not intrinsically connected to the verb go, but they reflect schemas for
any gradient-like dynamic situation, which can be often represented by
this verb.


4a) () .
4b) les prix montent.
4c) () .
4d) la vie devient (de plus en plus) chre.
4e) la vie ne cesse de devenir chre.

< 4>23)

, 4a), 4b) (paraphrase) 4c), 4d),

4e) . 4c)-4e)
4a), 4b) .
< 4> .
5a) ( )
5b) la colre monte ( )
5c) la colre s'intensifie ( )
5d) la colre s'accrot ( )

5a) 5b) 5c) 5d)

. .
23) 90
. (2004: 173-174) .

86 36



(physical space) ,
localism) (cognitive localism)
(conceptualization) .

Langacker(1987:56) , 1) <

() > 2) < >

. , 1) <>

, 1)
() .
1) 2)

. ,

G. Lakoff ,


2) ?
, ,
, (cf. Descls 1993 ; Descls
et al. 1996 ; Rousseau, 1993)

(cognitive space)24) . ,
, , ,

(1980) . 16-1, 41-54.

(1999) : .
(2000) : .
(1982) : .
(2001) : .
(2004) : .
(1980) . 12, 111-126.
(1997) : .
(1985) . 188, , 117-145.
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