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GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE AUTHORITY sot me Bp eee BaUSAT eGo, Corey Re, Yooreet: ed Pebruary, 1987 nn bow TEL Gotave arty rex eon Eamonn rooce Amory Moxie elcen Geld 87] Soice SORPSARORRE, 196 Se Meri ited & Boe Ro SLL0D4 Arising fron the meeting of the Authori:y on 30th Janvacy, 1987, 1 bee pleasure in onclosing for your snformngjon copy of a report ditcd 28th Seniaty, 1987, which was circulated aefchat mecting wd also copy of the Minuten ‘of tha meting, containing details of the romlutions wich wre passed TE WLI be seen that, although the report wae placed onder Part TE of Le besiness on the agenda, Morbers decide that the mater availd be dealt with under Part Ty at which the press yore present, even Usmagh the matter related to an individal pessen E have notified the tkme Office and also $i Philip tyers of the Comol decision of the Police Muthority and trust that this natter will nat be he subject of any further discission nt Police fltharity lew) ‘Yours eincerely, Rv cum 10 Me rem . Snes Andaston, Psa.» CBee) C.Stany PML, C.B.EM, Chief Conatabio, Greater Manchester folice, hier Constanla's Olfies, P.O. ox 22 (S.Wet POO}, Cheater tases, Boyar Street, ‘Trafford, MIS one vearsr GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE AUTHORITY fies B.C. Rans, WA Lady Clas tot ena peRac A/T {ise Conte, Cray Roe, Soe ll Sr February, 1987 16, 8832400) aon tans POLICE WUNORUTY MERENG — Tlie owt Rot SLLO04 an blige wr Whey, ok wos Daly id be I have pleasir®4n enctosing for your information copy of a lettel which T have Today went to the Chief Constable of Grenter tanchestar, together with copy of tho Minutes pasoat at the Police Aathority macting ch 30th Sanusty, 1987, and of my short weliten teport. to that most io It is to be hoped that the outcome of the mectinge atthe thom OFFice will bo that. thore Will be na Faeeher pebLie contorscay neon the Chief Constable and’ the Police duthority Pmbers. E ould just 1ike fomally to reiterate som of the points which I wade fat the eft of the discussion at the Haw Offlee. in pnrticilar, 1 wuld wish to stress the great importance of rot, by intarperate caments to the meiia, allowing a situation to develop were antagonian ae accused ana Indeed encouraged, Wo, that is alt parties to the tripartite arrangenents, have new syent a considersble anount of entirely unmaceasary tite Upon trying to resolve Eublic controversies which should aot have arksen in tho Tiest. place Te is this type of eitmntion whlcn enabies those wo ste opuosal tothe forces of la ard order, and in particular the potice forery, to cxrey fut their work’of destabilisation and ths work is made caster 1f Pronouincerents are made share the political” judgent, in the best sense OF the word "politiosl™, 1a Laaity. ‘The great diéficulty which, with respect, T fool the final agresd Greiaration vercamt, was to prevent: the outcore ofthe dississions bing seon to be a formal victory by ons side or the other, which 1a Slety' nog the mata woult Like to have portrays the situseions Such fs “victory" wautd only have led toa prolongation of the controversy In the cfrewstances, I very much hope tat the formala which hs been agread will noe resolve thie matter snd? would Like to thanle you snl ‘your colleagues very much for the asslatance which you have given in this somsshat controversial batter, SR Meda. Paxtetage, Boge, C.Be, Depity Under gactetary’ of State, Bane O&ioe, 50'Quaen Jons's Gate, 1oWoN, LE 9A Pees Not for publication by visto Of PaLAGTAPAE) sn of Fart Lof Schedule 1/A 10 the Local Government Act 1972 Satin WweESTR POLICE AUREERUIY ETOH oF mE cu ne EMORY MESES OF UE POLICE KET 20m gua, 1967 DISCUSSIONS Jo HOME OFPICE — ci CONSTABLE At the roquest of the chairman of the Police nuthority, a special ogting has been calied for Friday, 30th denaarys 1889, at 250 pum. io ores to consider tho position which has arisen 4s a rewlt of ceveaie Bblic controversies steaming, originally, fran an address mate by thes Chief Constable at Salgeley Back ‘training’ Schoo! an lity Beceabar, $986, and which was Initially considerad Ly the Foliee Althority on Friday, 9th Docerber, 1986 timate’ 1201 De a result of further madia contraveray, the Chaiman and the deputy Guinan initially net conor tone Office cEticiads and the caiel Inspestor of Constabolary a’ the Regional Inspector of Cestahalary on Zaoni Sanuary, 1987, and copies of two press statanente issued on Lak ate hove prévicusly bean forwarded to mathers Of te Finance ad Polley Comeittos.” Me the first meting, tho Chairman snd the Deputy Citta jxpressed theic point of view Fofcetully. further ta that meeting thers were discassions hstawen the aw Office offielaia, tho Chief Inupacvor of Constabulary, the Regional Inspector of constais2ary and the Chick Constable, and the matter was Left cn the basi that of Tussi, 27th January, 1987, there would be a further meeting at the Hone OFFles, At the mecting cn Tuesday, 27th January, 1987, the position was again onsidered_in full ad the outcone is porhess'wost oeefully smacioed 4m he annexed statement, tron which it Will be enon that there is how a clear statenont of intent ondorvad by the tices partacrs in the Boclosires: (1) Press Stateont iasied by the Hane Office and the Chatman ard tha Vice Chatman of the tol ice Authority at 4.30 pam, on 22nd Janeary, 190 (2) Press Statemné iesied By the Yona Off Loe late ‘ceening on 220 Jananey, 17. (2) Prose: Staterett following the meeting at the None Office on 27th January, 1907, (CLE OTE AUTHORITY civlo conte, Seinen, PT” 290 ex/00/2/50/288' January, 1987 snare.

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