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Parent/Teacher Conference Notice:

Hi! I would like to meet with you concerning your child's academic gains and achievements. I am available any day before school: 6:45-7:10am if you ask in advance. I am also available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2:30-3:30pm and Thursdays and Fridays from 12:30-1:15pm. I hope one of these times will meet your needs. Please indicate the time that works best for you. If all of these times are impossible, please indicate a phone number and time in the evening when you can be reached and we will conduct a phone conference. I look forward to our meeting. You have a great child! Sincerely, Anna Morris *Check one and return this paper in your child's yellow communication folder: _______I can make a face to face conference. conference instead. ______ I would like a phone

Parent Signature:________________________________________ Best time/date for conference:_______________________ Phone:____________________________ Name:___________________________________

Parent/Teacher Conference Notice:

Hi! I would like to meet with you concerning your child's academic gains and achievements. I am available any day before school: 6:45-7:10am if you ask in advance. I am also available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2:30-3:30pm and Thursdays and Fridays from 12:30-1:15pm. I hope one of these times will meet your needs. Please indicate the time that works best for you. If all of these times are impossible, please indicate a phone number and time in the evening when you can be reached and we will conduct a phone conference. I look forward to our meeting. You have a great child! Sincerely, Anna Morris *Check one and return this paper in your child's yellow communication folder: _______I can make a face to face conference. conference instead. ______ I would like a phone

Parent Signature:________________________________________ Best time/date for conference:_______________________


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