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Art 7/8 Mr. Letkemans Class

Painting Unit Gr. 7/8

In this unit we will be focusing on painting in the style of certain artists: Vincent Van Gogh (the Netherlands) and Marcelle Ferron (Canadian). In this unit will learn the following things: 1) Basic Colour Theory -Learn to mix the primary, secondary, and tertiary colours by using the colour wheel -Learn how to use complimentary colours and Warm/Cool colours -Learn to mix in order to shade and tint. 2) Starry Night Interpretation - Learn who Vincent Van Gogh was - Observe how people have interpreted and created their own versions of Van Goghs Starry Night - Create your own interpretation of van goghs Starry night as citizen of Saskatchewan. 3) Abstract painting according Marcelle Ferron - Learn what abstract art is - Learn who Marcelle Ferron was and her style of abstract painting - Create your own abstract painting in the style of marcelle ferron (with a title)

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