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Josiah Joaquim S. Aquino III-Bl.

Benedict of Urbino

A.P Prayer Fortitude

Bible Reading: Revelation 19:11

"Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war."

The bible reading simply shows how God is powerful in every way. It shows that only the Faithful and True is the only one that can sit on the white horse. The bible also says that only He can judge a person. That only He can settle peace in the world and only He can destroy that peace and make it as a war. The reading shows us how God can manipulate things in order for Him to make peace on earth. Right now, some of us believe that the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012. I dont blame them for thinking that way because it scares people because we are not foretold where or when the world will end. It may start tomorrow, next year or some other day. We all dont know what is coming for us until we see it for ourselves. We must stay faithful and true to Him for only Jesus can decide when He must end all things He created. Believe me, when I first heard of 2012, I was scared how they described how we will be ended, full of wrath and clearing up everything on its way, no one was chosen to be left only the few people that can manage to survive. Still we must be aware that God is still upon us and will never give us up but we still must know that we must never put Him to the test for He can suddenly change your future in just one blink of an eye.

Prayer: Heavenly Lord, please be with us always for we need you today and forever. Please
bless us still with what we need and be there for us in our time of need. Thank you Lord, Amen.

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