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Betatesting Group, NPSF

Grid Computing Activities (Testing and Benchmarking of Grid Computing) Infrastructure)

Development of Grid Testing Methodology for Grid Computing

(Level I and Level II test Suites)

Development of Grid Computing Benchmarks

(Low Level Grid Benchmarks, Synthetic Grid Benchmarks, Data Intensive and Compute Intensive Grid Benchmarks)

Conduct state-ofthe-art Grid Computing Workshops (Grid Programming Environment; Grid Services and WebServices; An overview Grid Benchmarks)

Testing: Design Methodology, Execution of test plan, development of test cases, automates testing procedure for Grid Computing Infrastructure.

Benchmarks: Development of Low Level Grid Probe Benchmarks; Compute and Data Intensive Grid Benchmarks

Development of Grid Benchmarks/Test Suites

Available Grid/HPC Benchmarks

Low Level Probes Grid Benchmarks Communication Overhead Measurement Suites Health Monitoring of Grid Infrastructure Grid Integration SetUp Test Scripts Grid Data Transfer Measurement Suites

Low Level Probes Grid Benchmarks Assessing Replica Management Suites Efficiency of Grid Scheduler Test Suites on Handling Grid Resource Failure Test Suites on Grid Performance Metrics

Grid Benchmarks Data Intensive Grid Benchmarks Compute Intensive Benchmarks (NAS Grid Benchmarks) Gloperf Tool GRASP GridBench Grid Performance Metrics

HPC Benchmarks TOP 500 (High Performance LINPACK) NAS Benchmarks Numerical Algebra Computation (ScaLAPACK), C-DAC P-COMS MPI test suites; PALLAS MPI test suites

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