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Michaela Miraj Physical Setting/Chemistry Preston High School Safety in the Laboratory

Laboratory Experiment #1

Introduction When you are in the chemistry laboratory, you will find yourself working with various equipment and materials that can cause injury if not handled properly. . However, by following proper safety procedures in the laboratory, you can avoid all accidents. This laboratory study is a follow-up to the flyer you received and discussed entitled, Safety Procedures in the Laboratory. The Laboratory Study Do the following laboratory study on a separate sheet of paper. Number each item. 1. Using a straight edge, draw a floor plan of your chemistry classroom/ laboratory, showing the locations of the following safety equipment : fire extinguisher, fire blanket, first aid kit, eyewash, and shower. Do this on a separate white paper and attach it to your lab packet 2. Using complete sentences, describe: (1) under what circumstances each of the following should be used (2) how each of the following are used. (a) fire extinguisher There are fire extinguishers in each laboratory. They need to be used when there is a fire in the laboratory. If the fire extinguisher needs to be used, I remember the following (P) pull the pin, (A) aim to the side at first, (S) squeeze the trigger, (S) sweep the spray from side to side across the BASE of the fire (where the fire meets the fuel), not just at the flames! When the fire is out, we clean up the area. (b) fire blanket- The fire blanket should be used when there is a small starting fire in the laboratory. The blanket is placed over the fire to stop it. (c) eyewash - If chemicals are splashed into my face they should not reach my eyes because I will be wearing safety goggles. If this sort of accident happens, I leave my goggles on while I go to the eye-wash station. There I should wash my face with the goggles still on until I am sure most of the chemical is gone from my face. Then I should remove my goggles and wash again. If chemicals get into my eyes, I should go to the eye wash station, where I should wash out my eyes thoroughly. (d) shower - The emergency shower enables a user to have water pouring over the entire body. This is used for washing the body and although it can be used to rinse the face, the shower is not meant for flushing of the eyes. If a chemical spills on a person the shower should be used, by simply pulling the lever. (e) safety goggles These should be used whenever performing an experiment where a chemical or liquid can get into your eye. The safety googles are to be worn on my head at all times until the experiment is finished and everything is cleaned up. 3. Look up a first aid procedure for each of the following: A). A student's skin is burned after touching a hot beaker. If you burn your skin with a hot object, flames, or chemicals, immediately flush the affected area with cold water. Continue flushing for 20 min. If a large area of skin is

burned and must be flushed, be careful not to get chilled. Tell your laboratory instructor about the accident, even if the burn does not seem serious. Your instructor will decide whether or not you should seek medical attention. B.) A caustic chemical gets on a student's skin. For small spills on your skin, immediately rinse the affected area with large amounts of water. Remove any jewelry that might interfere with a thorough rinsing. Continue rinsing the area for 5-1 0 min. If a large area of your skin is affected, use the safety shower. C.) A student is cut by a piece of glass. Thoroughly wash minor cuts, making certain to remove all foreign materials from the wound, such as traces of chemicals and broken pieces of glass. Apply a bandage to keep the wound clean and to avoid further irritation. For major cuts and severe bleeding, fast action is critical. Have someone call for emergency medical aid. Your laboratory instructor will quickly apply direct pressure to the open wound with a clean compress or cloth, until a tight bandage can be applied to control bleeding. D.) A chemical accidentally splashes in a student's eye. If a chemical splashes on your face while you are wearing goggles, do not remove your goggles. Instead, drench your face and goggles at the nearest eyewash fountain. After you have removed all of the chemical from your goggles and face, take off your goggles, and drench the part of your skin where the goggles contact your face. E.) A student accidentally swallows a small amount of a poisonous chemical. If a student swallows an acid or base, quickly give them large amounts of water to drink to dilute the substance. For other materials, follow the instructions on the label. Then call for help to be sure the student is okay. F.) A student's shirtsleeve catches fire. When clothing catches fire, STOP, do not run as this increases the supply of air and increases the flames. DROP to the floor and ROLL on the floor to smother the flames. Do not run to the fire blanket. People around you may wrap you with a Fire Blanket to smother the flames and keep it away from your face and neck. Never use a fire extinguisher on a person! 4. Give a reason why each of the following safety practices should be followed: A. You should stand up when heating a liquid in a beaker. The reason this safety practice should be followed is because if the beaker, containing hot water, were to spill on someone it would burn them severely. B. You should discard any piece of cracked glassware. The reason this safety practice should be followed is because if the glassware were to contain a dangerous chemical it could leak all over the floor and potentially on someone. C. Long hair should be tied back whenever you use a burner. This safety practice should be followed because hair can be burned and catch fire. D Always wear safety goggles whenever heat or hazardous chemicals are used.

This safety practice should be followed because a dangerous chemical can enter and damage your eyes. E. Fire drill procedures must be adhered to. State the rules pertaining to a fire drill that this class must follow during a fire drill. The class must leave the classroom quickly and quietly through the door and take an exit that is available and nearest you. NO PANICKING! Conclusion: Write one paragraph that summarizes your feelings about the importance of safety in the laboratory. Whether you work as a teacher in a lab or you are a student, lab safety should be your top priority. Before entering into any lab you should be aware of the importance of lab safety, what precautions you should take when working with chemicals, glassware and electrical safety, how to prevent and what to do in case of a fire, types of protective gear, and other general safety tips. Students need to practice many safety rules. By following all safety guidelines and being aware of potentially dangerous situations you can eliminate the chance of accidents and keep the lab an educational place.

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