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- Fie ca necazurile si supararile sa devina trecut si fie ca bucuriile si gandurile frumoase ale prezentului sa devina amintirile frumoase ale

viitorului. Un 2012 Fericit!

Vreau ca anul nou sa-ti aduca indeplinirea tuturor dorintelor si iti doresc sa ai parte de pace si liniste.Sper ca esti bine, ca viata ta este asa cum vrei sa fie, ca ai multe planuri si incredere in viitorul tau. Cunoscandute, stiu ca le vei indeplini pe toate. La multi ani :*

perception is everything, opportunities are all arround us, riches and rewards beyond our wildest dreams, but we are blind and cannot see, so they do not exist, the only reality we can possibly inhabit is the reality that we create ourselves, if we wish to change the world arround us we must change the way that we look at it

beauty it is often said is in the eye of the beholder, what if the beholder can't see it, is this a blessing or a curse, beauty afterall is rooted in truth, and truth maybe an ugly sight indeed, the truth makes no excuses allowes no compromises, offers no comfort, perhaps then we shoud protect ourselves from the truth, to be blind to it, if you see what I meen

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