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 Why is childbirth, which should be such a unique and individual experience for the woman, treated in such a highly standardized way??

Hospitalized Childbirth
 No matter how long or short, how easy or hard their labors, women are:
Hooked up to: an electronic fetal monitor and an IV solution (intravenously administered fluids and/or medication), Encouraged to use pain-relieving drugs,

Receive an episiotomy (a surgical incision in the vagina to widen the birth outlet in order to prevent tearing) at the moment of birth, Separated from their babies shortly after birth. Receive doses of pitocin to speed their labors, And give birth flat on their backs.

 Mothers in many low-technology cultures give birth:

Hold onto a rope while squatting for birth (Mayan Indians of Highland Chiapas) Sitting, Squatting, Semi-reclining in their hammocks, On hands and knees.

Psychological factors
 Understand the psychological impact we have on mothers and ultimately her birth  Help her to relax and trust in herself, her body and her baby  There are 4 key factors

Generating and maintaining a trance state

 When women are experiencing a calm and relaxed labour they find themselves going into a trance state  Achieving and maintaining these states during labour can be quite difficult
Unfamiliar enviorments Comes and goes of unfamiliar people Sounds Aromas

 Enhancing how relaxed mum is by focusing on all of her sense  Reducing volume of people present and controlling who is able to enter the room  Removing clocks (time distortion happens during a trance and recognition of how long you have been in labour can break a trance state)

 Reducing examinations as much as possible, medical noises (anxiety)  Reduce monitoring as much as possible  Allow women to stay in her own comfortable clothes  Birthing pool can be particularly good, not only for how relaxed they make mum feel, but also they act as a barrier to people entering her "zone"

Resolving key emotional issues

 Sense of security - This can be both in mind and body.  Connected to something bigger than oneself  Goals and Purpose - It is important to have an element of purpose within her life and by recognising what that purpose is.

 Mind and Body Connection - This is where mothers have an understanding of the impact of mind over body and vice versa.  Novelty and Stimulation - We all need something which keeps our minds active.  Sense of control - This can be control over your job, a particular role you have, etc.

 Giving and Receiving Attention: Family, friends, pets, etc.  Feeling Understood - Feeling understood will mean that the mother have been listened

Being in Control of the Birth

 Making sure mum has walked through her birth experience and considered all possible decision points  If unpredictable eventualities occur during labour give time for the Birth Companion and mum to consider all of the options

 Removing obstacles so mum can have the birth environment she wants.  Having people there who mum wants to be there

Believing that birth can be positive

 Making sure mum knows how her body helps her during labour  Making sure mum knows how her baby helps her during labour  Build good rapport with mum and her birth companion so they trust that what you are saying

 Provide real life stories and footage of great births  Help mum control the negative influences.  Helping mum maintain her belief system by helping her with positive affirmations

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