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Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) Senate

After becoming the first woman ever elected governor of

New Hampshire in 1996, Jeanne Shaheen served from 1997-
2003. As governor, Shaheen worked with members of both
parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollut-
ants. In 2002, she worked with the legislature to enact first-in-
the-nation legislation to limit power plant emissions of carbon
dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and mercury.
She also instituted a State Building Energy Conservation
Initiative, which reduced carbon dioxide emissions by approxi-
mately 37 million pounds a year. In addition, she worked to
protect New Hampshire’s lakes, rivers, and sensitive lands.
Shaheen has been a teacher, a small business owner, a state
senator, and most recently the Director of Harvard University’s
Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School of Government. She
joins the U.S. Senate after defeating Senator John Sununu, who
has an LCV lifetime average of just 35 percent.

In her own words

“Reversing global warming and becoming
energy independent are not just our most urgent
environmental challenges, they are among the
most urgent of all our national and international
challenges. In the Senate I will work for a smart
national energy policy that invests in clean,
renewable energy sources and energy efficiency
technologies and ends the subsidies and tax breaks
for oil companies and outdated technologies which
do not help address these critical problems.”

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