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Exercise 1. Translate into English. 01.Dnde est el libro? Est en la mesa.

Where is the book? It is on the table

02.Dnde est la mochila? Est delante de la chaqueta.

Where is the bag? Its front of the jacket.

03.Cundo est Lisa en casa? A las siete y cuarto.

When Lisa is at home? At seven-fifteen

04. Quin es ese hombre? se es el polica.

Who is this man? That's the police

05. Dnde est el gua? Est en la habitacin.

Where is the guide? It is in the room.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps using the question words. Rellene los

huecos con las palabras que se trate

01._____How____ are you? Im fine, thank you. 02.__When__ is the concert? Its at half past seven. 03.___Why______ are you angry? Its a beautiful day! 04.____How_____ is the baby? She is calm. 05.___Where______ is the concert? Its close to the river. 06.____Who_____ is that cranky man? Thats my brother. 07.____When_____ are you late? Im sorry, its the train. 08._____Where____ are my shoes? Theyre under the bed. 09.____When_____ is the film on? Its at five past six. 10. ____Whose_____ car is this? Its Toms. Exercise 3. What time is it? 07:25 its at seven twenty-five 11:45 its at eleven forty-five 17:10 its at seventeen ten 13:55 its at Thirteen fifty-five 00:00 its at zero oclok 12:00 its at twelse

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