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Family Devotional- January 8th and 11th 1

Sample Family Devotional Schedule: (roughly 30 minutes) 1. Pray with your student(s). (5-7 minutes) 2. Sing a worship song, or hymn. (3-6 minutes) 3. Read the scripture below. (2-4 minutes) 4. Read the devotional below. (5 minutes) 5. Talk through a few of the discussion questions. (8-10 minutes) GALATIANS (14): Friendship Burdens Bottom Line: The focus of our lives is to be OTHERS, not ourselves, we are called to restore the believer. Scripture References: Galatians 6:1-10 What do we do when a Christian brother or sister falls into sin? Unfortunately, most of the time, what we see happen in the Church is contrary to the scripture. Often times we see that person exposed, and mocked when we are called to love and gently restore that fellow believer. We are called to bear one another burdens meaning that we walk through each others mess with one another. Over and over in scripture we see this idea of loving one another, encouraging one another, pushing one another forward towards Christ. Paul is showing us a contrary between how the believer handles a fallen brother, and how the legalist or self-centered person handles this same situation. The believer restores the fallen sinner while the legalist exposes the fallen sinner. The believer approaches with an attitude of humility knowing that apart from the grace of God, that could be any of us as well, while the legalist approaches with an attitude of condemnation and pride saying I could never do that. Let me warn you as you read this to never think I could never do that. In our wretched humanity, we are capable of the worstit is by the grace of God that we do not fall so deeply. Continue to press on. Continue to seek forward. Do not give up. Do not lose hope. You can be the instrument that Jesus uses to change the entire course of human history. Do not grow weary of doing good, rather continue to sow in the spirit, and you will reap in the spirit. Do not lose heart! 1. What are some specific ways of expressing love to others that Paul mentions in this passage? Which of them stand out to you as especially pertinent in your life? 2. What should we do when others sin? 3. What do we often do in stead? 4. What kind of prayer life do you have? Prayer is to the spiritual life as breathing is to the physical life. 5. How is the Christian spiritually nourished? 6. How can you avoid sowing in the flesh and begin sowing in the Spirit this week?

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