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Danica N.

Vargas BSEM 4-1

November 23, 2011 Prof. Valdez

Reaction Paper on Who Moved My Cheese ?

Who moved my cheese? Who could ever imagined that a book which possesses this title will ever had a very large impact on its readers? I sure not, but I must agree that the title is very catchy, making you to read its content and so I did plus the very obvious reason that I do not really have a choice but to really read it. And I must also confessed that- thank goodness I did not have any choice but to read it, because reading this book was more than killing time, but it also led me to open up my mind to something I already know but keep on waving out of my belief system, which I know ample numbers of people felt the same way too. So I wanted to have this opportunity too to expressed my greatest gratitude to my professor for sharing this one great book, even though I must admit that when I heard that we need to do a reaction paper, I am liked what? Reaction paper? Again?!. And then as I flipped from pages to pages, I cannot helped but to put a smile on my face because I have my own copy of this material, though it's not in a book form but in a printed form. I am looking forward on having a book copy of this one and probably share it with other people too, that'll be exciting or much more than that I guessed. I am also guilty that I was liked lovestruck with this book and the author himself, which will lead me to rave the bookstore to find another good stuff to read written by this author in some of my free days. And I am really looking forward with that day. This is one of the books which contained a lot of lessons that one can get, it serves as something which will slap you at your own face about the things you must accept, bonus the fact that it does not hurt a bit. And once again I encountered the word change through this motivational book. Change. A very dreading or exciting pace of everyone's life depend on how individual view it. I do believe however that myriads of world's population are unaware of how they can benefits from change and the most frustrating of it all is that thousands to millions of people are afraid of the change that might happen with their life. Somehow, knowing that too makes me feel a little bit comfortable in this world, because I know I am not the only one who feel that most unacceptable thing. I am being a Hem deep inside and I am not proud of it. Who can ever be proud in that kind of attitude anyway? I swear from all the Greek go and goddesses that I can ever recall that I won't live whole my own life being like that. I prefer to be just like Haw, a person who accepts his wrongs and that everything must change, moved on and then enjoy it. I also realized in this book that somehow, somewhat making yourself an object of laughingstock is not always bad, because in this way you can moved on faster and will make you realized that you are not always right on what you believed. As a human being we are also entitled to feel fear or be scared once in our life. But that does not entitled us to sob in the corner or keep us always on the comfort zone , forever. Fear is a good thing, I must say, because this feeling will give us some unconditional adventure and challenge to let us face it, which will earn us so much of a relief or success after. And I do share some fears too in my life, I won't share all here but for the record one of those fears I have is on how I will face the future, deal with it and live with it. This book taught me that fears will sometimes help you as a captive, but moving on a new direction will free you from it and what is much better than proclaiming yourself as free from fears?

However, what really struck me with this book, beside other very important and so worthy mind opener lessons is the writing of Haw that reads: What would you do if you weren't afraid? I need to pause for a moment before got my own answer with this one. What will I do then? Perhaps I will moved with my cheese too, though it is still not so clear what my cheese is. I love thinking of my cheese in life and I have lots of lists now on what it could be and the maze we have which also called the world could offer all of this for us to have if we are just very adoptable to the changes that will happen. Although my Cheese might add another some new kinds or I must lost some, but I am very sure that the book which taught me on how to moved with my cheese rather than exclaimed who moved my cheese will never be forgotten in my memory. I already considered this as one of good motivational books I ever red, aside from the fact that it is very lightly to read on and digest on your brain. I am pretty sure that I will read it again. But as of now I will just nourished the moment and crave for my own slice of cheese.

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