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Dear Lokesh! I have now looked at your assignments and I cannot accept them as passed.

In assignment 1 I have recorded that you had passed task2, so we forget about t hat one! A general comment is that you have not provided answers to questions in the assi gnments, just programs. In assignment 1, task 1 you were supposed to program 3 algorithms with complexit y N, NlogN and N^3. You were supposed to write a porgram to meassure execution t imes and also to analyze your algorithms. In the program you submitted the third algorithm is quadratic and not cubic. Also, time meassurements are not done pro perly, for example, you include the input from the user in algorithm 1! Also, th ere is no analysis! So task 1 is not passed. In assignment 1, task 3, I do not see that you do what you were asked to do. I w as actually not able to use the program in a meaningful way! In assignment 2, for task 1 you submitted 2 programs, but they do not do what th ey are supposed to do. Read the assignment again! Task 2 does not compile! best regards, vero

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