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WARM-UP Body Circles (Circle Each Joint, 10x each way) 15 reps each, moderate-fast pace, no/minimal rest (difficulty level should be low, a 2-5 on a scale from 1-10): Warm-up Circuit A: Squat Hip-Up Sit-Up (feet held down by something) Warm-Up Circuit B: Pushup (on knees) Standing Side-Crunch -Reminder:

Bent-Over Arm Raise Warm-Up Circuit C: Crazy Roll -Reminder:

Reverse Crunch and Pullover -Reminder:

Pick-it-up, Put-it-away (Deadlift to shoulder press) WORKOUT 8-12 Reps, 45-second rest between sets, 2-3 sets 1) Chest Press Set 1: 15 lb. (Set 1 for each exercise is a warm-up set, the weight should feel light) Set 2: 25 lb. Set 3: 27 lb. 2) Dumbell Row Set 1: 12 lb dumbell Set 2: 20 lb dumbell Set 3: 20 lb dumbell 3) Side Dumbell Raise Set 1: 12 lb dumbell (straight arms) Set 2: 20 lb dumbell (bent arms) Set 3: 20 lb dumbell (bent arms) 4) Pullup/Chinup 6-8 reps **You need a helper for this one, or a pullup band. I dont want you jumping to a 1-4 rep max on pullups just yet. I want you to be able to do at least 6, hopefully closer to 8. That means you need a partner or a band. See your home page for home-gym equipment suggestions** Set 1: Pullup Set 2: Chinup Set 3: Pullup Set 4: Chinup 5) Triceps Dip Set 1: Legs bent Set 2: Legs straight on the ground, chest open, back straight Set 3: Same 6) Biceps Curl

Set 1: 12 lb dumbells Set 2: 20 lb dumbells Set 3: 20 lb dumbells COOL DOWN Cardio: 15 reps each in a circuit for 10 minutes, then do it slow and easy to cool it down for 3-5 minutes. Squat Sit-up Hip-up Crazy Roll STRETCHES Hold each 45 seconds Spinal Twist Shoulder/Arm Stretches: Circus stretches: Straight-Arm, 90-degree bend, thumbs-up) -Reminder:

Shoulder/Arm Stretches: Sit and Reach the Arms Back Shoulder/Arm Stretches: Stand and put your arms up the wall, bring your chest close to the wall Rhomboid Stretch (Bring bent arm in front of your chest and push it up, you should feel the stretch in your upper back) Triceps Stretch Neck Stretch (look at your opposite shoulder) Wrist Stretches

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