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A. Estudia estos ejemplo: Last year Jack and Jill spent their holidays by the sea. It raineda lot but they enjoyed themselves. Podemos decir: - Although it rained a lot, they enjoyed themselves. (= it rained a lot but they) o - In spite of/ Despite the rain, they enjoyed themselves. B. Despus de ALTHOUGH utilizamos sujeto + verbo. - Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. - I didnt get the job although I had all the necessary qualifications. Compara el significado de ALTHOUGH y de BECAUSE: - We went out although it was raining. - We didnt go out because it was raining. C. Despus de IN SPITE OF y de DESPITE, utilizamos un nombre, un pronombre (this/that/what,etc.)o ing. - In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday. - I didnt get the job in spite of having all the necessary qualifications. - She wasnt well, but in spite of this she went to work. - In spite of what I said yesterday, I still love you. de DESPITE significa lo mismo que IN SPITE OF (a pesar de, a pesar del hecho que...). Date cuenta de que decimos In spite of, pero Despite, sin of. - She wasnt well, but despite this she went to work. (no despite of this).

Podemos decir IN SPITE OF THE FACT (THAT) y DESPITE THE FACT (THAT) - I didnt get the job in spite of the fact (that) / despite the fact (that) I had all the necessary qualifications. Compara IN SPITE OF y BECAUSE OF: - We went out in spite of the rain (o despite the rain) - We didnt go out because of the rain. D. Compara ALTHOUGH y DESPITE / IN SPITE OF: - Although the traffic was bad / In spite of the traffic, I arrived on time. (no in spite of the traffic was bad) - I couldnt sleep although I was very tired / despite being very tired.

E. Algunas veces utilizamos THOUGH en vez de ALTHOUGH: - I didnt get the job though I had all the necessary qualifications. En ingls hablado se utiliza a menudo THOUGH al final de la frase: - The house isnt very nice. I like the garden though. (= but I like the garden) - I see him every day. Ive never spoken to him though. (=but Ive never spoken to him. EVEN THOUGH (pero no even solo) es una forma ms fuerte de ALTHOUGH: - Even though I was really tired, I couldnt sep. (no Even I was really tired)

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