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NCM 102 Team Nursing Case Scenario 1 Case Scenario: Synopsis: This is a case of a 22 year old female client

with lethargy that has worsened over the past 24 hours. Patient History: The resource person, who happened to be the mother of 22 year old female patient named Evita Valderma, residing at Sitio 2, Malinta, Valenzuela City, claimed that her daughter has complained of increased thirst, frequent voiding, and weight loss although there is no change in her appetite for the past 3 weeks. Furthermore, she complained of lower abdominal pain today and had an episode of vomiting. When vital signs were taken it revealed no fever (T=36.8C) BP 110/90, Respiration 25 breath per min. Lethargic, oriented with dry mucous membranes and poor skin turgor, breath is fruity smell with rapid deep breathing (Kussmauls respiration) when palpated abdomen is soft, diffusely tender and non-distended. Doctors orders: Admit to any private room available PNSS 1L X16 hours For Glucometer monitoring TID Refer to Dietitian Human Insulin (Humuilin) NPH 20 u SC in AM o 10 un SC IM; Sliding-scale insulin AC and HOS; Humulin regular SC according to serum glucose level o <150 mg/dl: 3 units o 251-350 mg/dl:6 units o >350 mg/dl:CALL Physician Supplies: PNSS or D5-W500 or D5-WIL Insulin vial (Humulia N and Humulin R) E. Insulin Syrringe Cptten sswab Blucometera machine Abbocath or Vasculon gauge #22 IV set

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