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Madhav Reddy

Corporate Trainer & Educationist

Madhav Reddy
Corporate Trainer & Educationist

Images taken from internet

Madhav Reddy
Corporate Trainer & Educationist

Synopsis of the program

In this program of STRESS MANAGEMENT you will find out the reasons for stress and why do we face these problems.

You will also learn about the factors leading to stress and simple methods to relax yourselves.

Importance of Positive Stress and also how our eating habits play a vital role in controlling stress levels.

You will gain knowledge on Work stress and remedies to overcome.

Simple Ways to live a stress free life.

Madhav Reddy
Corporate Trainer & Educationist

Module 1

What is stress?

Body signals Indicating Stress

Types of stress

Characteristics of Positive Stress

Advantages of Positive Stress

Madhav Reddy
Corporate Trainer & Educationist

Module 2

10 questions to measures stress levels

Simple exercises to release stress

Natural Remedies to reduce Stress

Eating Habits & Stress

Madhav Reddy
Corporate Trainer & Educationist

Module 3

Work Related Stress & Causes

Stress Management at Workplace

Steps to Relieve Stress at Workplace

Madhav Reddy
Corporate Trainer & Educationist

Madhav Reddy Corporate Trainer & Educationist

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