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A . C. T . S .

Adoration, Confession. Thanksgiving. Supplication.

Heavenly Father, I come before you with the knowledge that you are Lord of Lords. You are great above all things. You are more than a man who rules a nation; faithful as the sun which never forgets to rise every day. You are worthy to be praised for your love endures forever.

I humbly bow down before you, for I know I have transgressions. There were times that I forgot to recognize my responsibilities, as your beloved daughter, and as your responsible coworker. May you forgive me, and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.

Thank you for giving me the strength to carry on, and the confidence to face the trials of life. Thank you for the new life; a new opportunity to enjoy it with my friends, family, and to all the people I love.

I pray that you straighten my path that I may not sin against you. Help me to see the bright side in every situation that I have to deal with. Make me the person who you wanted me to be. Make my life as a channel of your blessings so others may see your glory. Your will be done in my life, for your ways are higher than mine. Help me follow your leading and trust your desire. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

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