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Dear Gabrielle,

Next Monday will be the fourty birthday of my mother and we are organising a party to mark the joyous occasion. Turning fourty is something special for her and we would like to make a great party. You are one of the invited. My mother and the whole family will be very happy to see you, you know how much she cares about you. I know that you are working and that you don t have too much time but I hope that you will be there with our family to celebrate . Tina will be there too. It will be a party only with people my mother cares about, nothing extraordinary but something special. To ensure that you will know of the schedule, I will be sending you another letter containing the information. I hope you can find time to attend the birthday celebration. We are happily expecting the warmth of your presence. It is the greateast gift you can give to my mother.

Thank you and expect to see you soon. Sincerely, Tom Button

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