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This is a comparison between the MLP:FiM in English and the MLP:LMdlA in Spanish. ..

the excerpts are from Episode 09- Briddle Gossip [Capitulo 09- La Apariencia No Lo Es Todo] English: [Spike] Hahahaha... this is hilarious!! Look at yourselves, we have: Hairity, Ranbow Crash, Spitty Pie, Appletiny, Flutterguy, and amm... I got nothi ng. Twilight Sparkle, I cannot even work with that. [Pinkie Pie/Flutterguy] She's an evil enchantress, she does evil dances, if you look deep in her eye, she will put you in trances. And what will she do? She'll make up an evil brew, and she'll gobble you up! In a big tasty stew! So... watch out! Spanish: [Spike] Jajaja... esto es graciosisimo!! Mirense todas, esta: Rarita, Rainbow Crash, Pinkie Lengua, Appletiny, Hombreshy, y ah... como te digo? Twilight Sparkle, enserio no puedo trabajar con eso. [Pinkie Pie/Flutterguy] Ella te hara un embrujo, con muchos conjuros. La miras y te vera, te va poner en un trance. Y luego que hara, un caldo preparara. Luego te comera y un buen guiso seras. Y... cuidado.

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