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Orientation and Conceptual Framework

Driven mainly by textual elements: Readers construct mental translation of text piece by piece. Discrete and primarily linear: Grapheme (Phoneme) Meaning


Account for how readers construct meaningful messages from discrete (structural) elements that underlie text.

Focal areas

Emphasis on how readers read Emphasis on lower-order subskills

Reader Processes

Decode print letter-by-letter, wordby-word, clause-by-clause; reconstruct spoken messages from print. Controlled processing - Automatic processing Word recognition Comprehension Re-association

Key areas of Knowledge

Graphology, phonemics, phonology, morphology, the lexicon, grammar.

Role of Memory

Important: To free up space in working memory, readers must automatize component skills.


Readers are autonomous (if not isolated) Readers viewed as mental processors.

Instructional Parallels

Phonic-based instruction

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