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Davy Deadens Pain

Answer T or F for true or false, or Select AD for

the phrase that best completes the sentence.

___ Surgeons who gave their patients opium and

morphine ran the risk of causing their patients to

become drug addicts.

___ Whiskey proved to be an effective painkiller.

___ By the start of the 1800s, the skill of a surgeon was

judged by {A. his income; B. how fast he worked; C.

where he attended medical school; D. whether he used

opium or whiskey to deaden pain}.

___ The tow most common gases in the earths

atmosphere are oxygen and {A. carbon; B. neon; C.

nitrogen; D. hydrogen}.

___ Pneumatic means lung.

___ Davy took care of the large family debt by {A.

declaring bankruptcy; B. paying it back}.

___ Davy kept secret most of his discoveries.

Davy Deadens Pain

Answer T or F for true or false, or Select AD for
the phrase that best completes the sentence.

___ Humphry Davy used laughing gas during a

pital operation.


___ James Simpson experimented with ether and had

{A. great success; B. limited success}.

___ Chloroform does not explode and has a {A. foul

odor; B. sweet smell}.

___ James Simpson became the personal physician to

Queen Victoria.

What do you think about these discoveries and the use

of these kinds of chemicals for pain relief. ___________


Davy Deadens Pain

Pain of surgery was almost unbearable
Pain-relieving drugs caused addiction
Pain of surgery required speed over accuracy


Humphry Davy
Davy deadens Pain

Laughing Gas

Sir James Young

Davy Deadens Pain


Sir James Young Simpson

Davy Deadens Pain


Simpsons fight for

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