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Its Origin, Meaning & Significance The word hallelujah, pronounced hal-le-lu-yah, is the most ancient of all words of praise. It is spoken both on earth and in heaven in worship to the Almighty (Rev. 19:1-6). What is its origin, meaning, and significance? Halleluyah is a pure Hebrew word, and yet is found in almost every language on earth. The first part of the word, hallelu. means praise you. The last part, Yah. Is the one being praised. YAH is the basic or short form of the Heavenly Fathers name. The full form of this name is YAHWEH. This personal name is found more than 6,800 times in the original Hebrew Bible. That is impressive. The Most High planned for us to call on and extol his name, otherwise he would not have placed it in Scriptures so many times. We also find the shortened form (Yah) at the end of many Biblical names, such as Elijah (Eliyah), which means my El [or Mighty One) is Yah. Others are Jeremiah, Obadiah, Isaiah, and Zechariah, etc. The name Yahweh is found not only in the Hebrew Scriptures, but in encyclopedias, dictionaries, Bible dictionaries, archaeological reports, and in current publications such as Time Magazine. The spellchecker in your computer lists the name Yahweh.

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