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In 1968, Dr. King started the Poor Peoples Campaign to fight systemic income inequality.

He was assassinated before he saw the dream fulfilled. But you cannot kill a dream. Today, the Occupy Movement is working to carry out that vision. Let us join TOGETHER to honor him with action.

On December 14, 2011, a historical alliance made up of leaders of the African-American faith community gathered at the National Press Club in order to formalize their support for the Occupy Movement and announce the launch of Occupy the Dream. Occupy the Dreams purpose is to once again proclaim the moral responsibility to join the front line of the struggle against poverty and economic injustice. Nearly fifty years since hundreds of thousands of people marched with Dr. King and filled the nation's capital, the dream that inspired our nation remains unfulfilled. Today, more Americans are living in poverty than when Dr. King organized the Poor People's Campaign. Dr King said, in this age of technological wizardry and political immorality, the poor are demanding that the basic need of people be met as the first priority of our domestic programs. While the government subsidizes big companies and farms, and gives tax favors to rich people, [it] punishes the poor. And that we are a nation gorged on money while millions of its citizens are denied a good education, adequate health services, decent housing, meaningful employment, and even respect.




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