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1. I've been vocalist in a group of five musicians and I've had a very successful solo career.

I've performed Motown music in front of large audiences and I've also created some very popular dance steps. I've also recorded "Soul music" and some of my records have sold over forty million copies. I've made many advertisements for Pepsi and have also made friends with famous people like Elizabeth Taylor. (Michael Jackson)

3. I've been an actor, a poet, a philosopher and have learnt many foreign languages. Since October 1978, I've had a very important job. I am the first person from outside Italy who has done this job. During these years, I've travelled all over the world. I've prayed for peace, I've kissed the ground in more than ninety countries and have also talked to their leaders. John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) Poland 1920

6. I've had four children and have learnt to ride horses and to speak very good English. My oldest son has also learnt how to speak Welsh. Since 1952, I've held my country's most important job. I've given many speeches, have taken part in many ceremonies and have met many leaders. I've seen many changes in my country. I now have several grandchildren. Elizabeth II

7. I've been called Marilyn's successor! Since the 1970s, I've been a dancer in a night-club and have recorded many hit records. Most of my records are about sex, but some also talk about religion. Many people have danced to my records. They've been number 1 both in America and Britain. I've now made many videos and a few films. I haven't been very modest in my videos and films. Some of them have been very shocking. Madonna

8. I've learnt to play my sport with a lot of imagination. People say that there is a direct line between my head and my left foot. I've played my sport at the highest level. I've played both for my country in South America and for my Italian club. I've helped my country reach the finals in two World Cups. I've scored most of my goals with my left foot, but I've sometimes used my hand. Diego Maradona

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