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ELE 3101

A Reading Comprehension Strategy

Lecture Series by Ganesan S.K.

A majority of students in primary schoosl are beyond decoding instruction and need more assistance with comprehension to help them become successful, independent readers. Strategic reading allows students to monitor their own thinking and make connections between texts and their own experiences. Based on the Guided Comprehension Model developed by Maureen McLaughlin and Mary Beth Allen, this lesson introduced students to the comprehension strategy of monitoring.

INSERT is a form of Guided Comprehension. Guided Comprehension is a context in which students learn comprehension strategies in a variety of settings using multiple levels and types of text. It is a three-stage process focused on direct instruction, application and reflection. The Guided Comprehension Model progresses from explicit teaching to independent practice and transfer.

Monitoring involves asking, "Does this make sense?" and clarifying by adapting strategic processes to accommodate the response. INSERT (Interactive Notation System to Effective Reading and Thinking) It provides students with opportunities for reflection. Students make connections between prior knowledge and text content.

Current studies demonstrate that when students experience explicit instruction of comprehension strategies, it improves their comprehension of new texts and topics (Hiebert et al., 1998).

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