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1.Cell call etiquette Advantages of a Cell Phone Disadvantages of a Cell Phone
What not to do during the call

2.Video call etiquette Before the Meeting During the Meeting What not to do during the meeting 3.Conference call etiquette Useful conference call strategies from the start What not to do during the conference call


Cell call etiquette

Cell call etiquette

Turn cell phone off when at at the movies Never Texting while talking Too Much Information Location

What not to do during the call

Dont dial while driving Dont speak loud while in public Dont have an annoying ringtone

Advantages of a Cell Phone

Communicate with others anywhere Ask someone for help at any minute Help organize daily plans Help with your work Can be information sources

Disadvantages of a Cell Phone

Everybody can find you It is costly and more then a stationary phone Can be harmful to your health They can be very distracting at the work They sometimes invade peoples privacy such as in restaurants

Video call etiquette

Before the Meeting

Prepare an agenda Remove distracting objects Adjust the equipment Arrive early to test the connection Choose one speaker, who can answer on all questions

During the Meeting

Introduce everyone: Act normal Don't be distracted Avoid side conversations Limit your movement

What not to do during the meeting

Don't wear distracting clothing Don't talk over each other Don't bring food into the meeting

Conference call etiquette

seful conference call strategies from the start

Start on time Make an agenda Turn off call waiting Find a quiet room and use good equipment

What not to do during the conference call

Don't interrupt Dont do distracting activities Don't put the call on

onclusion of the conference

Let no one stay

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