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ECRS Worksheet Process Name: Eli How much value added work results from this motion?

Eliminate Ideas or Observations

How can motions of searching, placing, arranging, selecting, be reduced through workplace organization & 5S? How can tools and parts be arranged to make motion more natural? How much work surface or work area is needed for the process? What barriers can be removed to make motion safer and more natural? How can both hands be used effectively to perform this process? How could another motion be performed simultaneously? How can both hands work in smooth and natural motions without interference? How could a spring mechanism be used to hold and position the part? How could a lever mechanism be used to perform multiple tasks simultaneously? What operations could be done on the return path of this process? What other parts of the body could be used (feet, etc.)? What is the proper sequence of motions for better safety, efficiency, flow? What changes in work sequence would improve the process? What elements of motion could be rearranged to simplify them? What are some other ways to perform the same process? How could steps or motions be reduced by rearranging the workplace? What other parts of the body could perform this same motion? What would happen if the other hand was used instead (left instead of right, right instead of left) to perform this motion? How can natural forces (gravity, inertia, reaction force, etc.) be used to simplify the motion? How can multiple motions be simplified using special tools or devices? What devices can be used to make rotating or turning motions easier? What adjustments are needed to improve the working height and work posture?

Eli Simplify



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