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Lansing politician PHIL PAVLOV Cut our kids education to bankroll wealthy CEOs

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Lansing politician PHIL PAVLOV Cut our kids education to bankroll wealthy CEOs

AND THATS NOT ALL! Phil Pavlov and his special interest cronies are making a power grab and pushing new laws to weaken middle class families. y Pavlov voted to cut more than $1 billion from our K-12 schools to pay for a $1.2 billion corporate tax giveaway to rich corporate CEOs who outsource American jobs. Pavlov voted to increase taxes on retirees and working families. Pavlov introduced a bill to outsource teaching to for-profit corporations, putting corporate greed above our kids education. Pavlovs so-called Right-to-Work laws would give wealthy CEOs even more profits at the expense of jobs, wages, retirement security, and our childrens future. Pavlov voted to give Emergency Managers the power to invalidate locally elected governments, sell public assets, and dictate a school districts academic policy even if they know nothing about education. y

AND THATS NOT ALL! Phil Pavlov and his special interest cronies are making a power grab and pushing new laws to weaken middle class families. Pavlov voted to cut more than $1 billion from our K-12 schools to pay for a $1.2 billion corporate tax giveaway to rich corporate CEOs who outsource American jobs. Pavlov voted to increase taxes on retirees and working families. Pavlov introduced a bill to outsource teaching to for-profit corporations, putting corporate greed above our kids education. Pavlovs so-called Right-to-Work laws would give wealthy CEOs even more profits at the expense of jobs, wages, retirement security, and our childrens future. Pavlov voted to give Emergency Managers the power to invalidate locally elected governments, sell public assets, and dictate a school districts academic policy even if they know nothing about education.

Is Phil Pavlov working for ordinary people, or is he working for his corporate sponsors?
Our families, friends, and neighbors can t afford to wait until the next election. Join the Recall Phil Pavlov effort!

Is Phil Pavlov working for ordinary people, or is he working for his corporate sponsors?
Our families, friends, and neighbors can t afford to wait until the next election. Join the Recall Phil Pavlov effort!

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