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Alyanna Joy G. Gomez TRIGBIO A51 I attended the mass at the chapel at 9:40-10:20am.

The homily is about the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and the strive for holiness. A classic story about Mama Mary was told that she cant believe that she was chosen as the one who will be the mother of Jesus and that she was considered as a person without sins. One night, she dreamt of being toured into heaven by St. Peter and she was asked where she wants to raise her son, Jesus Christ. Over the ugly houses she chose the most beautiful. Due to this, St. Peter explains that just like Mary want to have the best place for her son God also wants Jesus to have the best place or home for Jesus which is in Marys womb. I have learned that God didnt choose Mary because of her qualities but because it is with her that Jesus will be safe and humanity will be saved. Mary was destined to be Jesus Christs mother and that Mary accepted the favor given to her by God. We should also realize that we owe Mama Mary a favor for giving birth to Jesus. It is because of her that we are saved from our sins because Jesus came from his womb.

Moreover, the main essence of the homily is that we should strive for holiness. We should live a life in accordance to Gods commandments and plans for us. We should live each day as a gift and a blessing. We should remember good in everything we do and say in order to have a holy life and to grow as a better individuals.

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