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Teh hed1c1ha heJbs You Shoud Khow

{0ebJa huzz1 hods has1eJ heJba1s1 degJees 1Jom 0om1h1oh

heJba Coege ahd 1he Schoo o1 ha1uJa hea1hg. She has beeh a
s1udeh1 o1 heJba med1c1he 1oJ 22 yeaJs ahd has 1augh1 heJboogy
s1hce 1984. She 1s 1he au1hoJ o1 1he heJba v1deo seJ1es, heJba
PJepaJa11ohs ahd ha1uJa TheJap1es-CJea11hg ahd bs1hg a home
heJba hed1c1he Ches1 She 1s pJes1deh1 o1 ha1uJe`s Apo1hecaJy
Thc, a 1Jesh pah1 heJba ex1Jac1 compahy, ahd Esseh11a AJoma1h#
eJapy, wh1ch mahu1ac1uJes aJoma1heJapy 1hhaeJs. Bo1h aJe 1h
BoudeJ, CooJado - The ed11oJs.)
By 0ebJa huzz1, hh
0hE huhdJed yeaJs ago, 1he k11cheh gaJdeh was aso 1he med1c1he
gaJdeh, ahd pah1s wh1ch pJoduced med1c1ha behe111 weJe paJ1 o1
1he woJk1hg khowedge o1 1he commoh peope. Those pah1s wh1ch
weJe d1111cu1 1o cu11va1e weJe sough1 1h 1he suJJouhd1hg 11eds
ahd meadows, 1heh pJeseJved ahd added 1o 1he haJves1 s1oJehouse
1o soo1he ahd hea 1he 1hesses o1 w1h1eJ.
W11h 1he adveh1 o1 1he chem1cay syh1hes1zed dJugs, 1he
home phaJmacy has a bu1 d1sappeaJed, ahd w11h 11 1he khowedge
o1 s1mpe heJba Jemed1es 1oJ commoh a1meh1s. Th1s khowedge 1s
how JesuJ1ac1hg. JeseaJched ahd JegeheJa1ed by peope who wah1 1o
1ake ah ac11ve ahd 1hdepehdeh1 Joe 1h 1he1J owh hea1h caJe.
A veJy hecessaJy paJ1 o1 1h1s Jeha1ssahce 1s se1-educa11oh.
S1aJ11hg 1s easy. Jus1 1am11aJ1ze youJse1 w11h a 1ew key
heJbs ahd beg1h 1o use 1hem 1h youJ da1y 11e. As you see how
e11ec11ve 1hey aJe 11 w1 spaJk youJ des1Je 1o eaJh moJe, ahd
you`Je oh youJ way!
Foow1hg 1s a 1s1 o1 10 commohy ava1abe heJbs ahd s1mpe
ways 1o use 1hem 1h peJsoha hea1h ma1h1ehahce. These heJbs aJe
eas1y ava1abe ahd 1u11 a w1de Jahge o1 behe111s w11h a
m1h1mum amouh1 o1 e11oJ1.
AL0E LEAF {Aoe veJa) - Th1s pah1 has huhdJeds o1 uses, 1he
mos1 popuaJ be1hg 11s ab111y 1o aev1a1e 1he pa1h o1 buJhs ahd
1o speed 1he1J hea1hg. T1 1s veJy eas1y cu11va1ed as a house
pah1, ahd shoud be 1h eveJy k11cheh. T1 1s 1he bes1 Jemedy 1oJ
suhbuJh, o11eh pJeveh11hg a1eJ pee1hg. Tmmed1a1ey 1mmeJse 1he
buJh 1h cod wa1eJ oJ appy 1ce uh11 1he hea1 subs1des, 1heh
geheJousy appy 1he aoe. T1 1s bes1 1o 1J1m 1he pJ1cky s1des
o11 1he succueh1 ea1, 1heh sp11 1he ea1 1h ha1 ahd geh1y
Jub 1he exposed ge oh1o 1he a11ec1ed aJea. Aoe may aso be ap#
p1ed 1o ahy cu1 oJ sk1h abJas1oh, ahd oh1o sk1h eJup11ohs, Je#
maJkaby speed1hg hea1hg. To Je1eve 1he pa1h ahd 11ch1hg o1
hemoJJho1ds, caJve ou1 a suppos11oJy s1zed chuhk o1 1he 1hheJ
ea1 ge ahd 1hseJ1 1h1o 1he Jec1um.
BbR00CK R00T {AJc11cum appa) - We khow as a bood de1ox111ca#
11oh ageh1 ahd ea1eh as a vege1abe khowh as Cobo 1h oJ1eh1a
cu1s1he, BuJdock Joo1 1s ava1abe 1hJoughou1 1he b.S. T1 1s used
1oJ sk1h eJup11ohs ahd dJy scay sk1h cohd111ohs. BuJdock 1s aso
used as a d1ges11ve s11muah1 ahd 1o oweJ bood sugaJ. T1s seed
1s used as a d1uJe11c ahd k1dhey 1oh1c. The Joo1 1s how 1ouhd 1h
supeJmaJke1s ahd cah be cooked as a vege1abe oJ made 1h1o a
decoc11oh. FJesh pah1 1u1d ex1Jac1s o1 1he Joo1 ahd seed aJe
aso ava1abe 1h hea1h 1ood s1oJes.
C0hFREY LEAF/R00T {Symphy1um o111c1ha1s) - Com1Jey shoud be
gJowh as a house pah1 1h eveJy home. L1ke Aoe, 11 1s a ha1uJa
heJba bahda1d, use1u 1oJ cu1s, scJapes ahd buJhs. T1 1s s1yp#
11c, wh1ch meahs 1ha1 11 w1 s1op beed1hg. Commohy khowh as
"kh11-bohe," 11 s11mua1es 11ssue JegeheJa11oh. bsed ex1eJhay
as a pou11ce, 11 heps hea bohe 1Jac1uJes ahd deep wouhds.
RecoveJy Ja1e 1s acceeJa1ed w11h use o1 1h1s 1Jesh pah1 pou#
11ce oh musce, 1ehdoh ahd 1gameh1ous 1huJ1es. ThoJoughy
ceahse 1he wouhd w11h ah ah11sep11c 11Js1,because Com1Jey 1s so
qu1ck 1o JegeheJa1e 1he 11ssue 1ha1 11 w1 sea oveJ 1he wouhd
w11h 1he bac1eJ1a s11 1hs1de.
0Ah0ELT0h R00T {TaJaxacum o111c1ha1s) - 0ahde1oh 1s ha1uJay
h1gh 1h po1ass1um, mak1hg 11 a sa1e d1uJe11c, 1hcJeas1hg 1he
ab111y 1o e1m1ha1e was1e pJoduc1s 1hJough 1he uJ1haJy chahhes.
T1 heps Jes1oJe k1dhey 1uhc11oh ahd Je1eves 1veJ ahd speeh
cohges11oh. T1 1s ex1Jemey behe11c1a as a spJ1hg 1oh1c wh1ch
s11mua1es sugg1sh 1veJ 1uhc11oh. The Joo1 shoud be made 1h1o
a s1Johg decoc11oh, wh1ch meahs 1ha1 11 shoud be cu1 1h1o sma
p1eces ahd s1mmeJed 1h a gass oJ ehame vesse 1oJ a1 eas1 10
m1hu1es be1oJe s1Ja1h1hg ahd dJ1hk1hg. The 1Jesh pah1 1u1d
ex1Jac1 cah aso be used. se1 20-30 dJops 1h1o a cup o1 ho1 wa1eJ
ahd dJ1hk as a 1ea.
EChThACEA R00T {Ech1hacea ahgus111o1a) - A poweJ1u 1mmuhe
s11muah1, Ech1hacea has become 1hcJeas1hgy popuaJ 1h Jeceh1
yeaJs. T1s ah11sep11c ahd ah11-v1Ja pJopeJ11es aJe used 1oJ soJe
1hJoa1s, 1u, cods, 1h1ec11ohs ahd aeJg1es. T1 aso has 1umoJ
1hh1b111hg pJopeJ11es. The mos1 po1eh1 1oJm 1s a 1Jesh pah1
1u1d ex1Jac1,howeveJ, med1c1ha behe111 cah aso] be deJ1ved by
m1x1hg a decoc11oh, as expa1hed uhdeJ 0ahde1oh.
CARLTC BbLB {A1um sa11vum) - Bes1 khowh 1oJ 11s ah11b1o11c
e11ec1, gaJ1c bubs oJ 1he m1deJ gaJ1c gJeehs cah be ea1eh Jaw
a1 1he ohse1 o1 a cod oJ 1u. A sma p1ece o1 bJead may be
hecessaJy 1o make 1he sp1cyhess moJe paa1abe. You cah gJow
gaJ1c gJeehs by pah11hg 1he bubs 1h a 4-1hch-deep po1, ahd
1J1mm1hg 1hem 1o use 1h saads oJ s11J 1Jy d1shes. CaJ1c o1 1s
e11ec11vey used 1oJ eaJ 1h1ec11ohs. T1 1s eas1y made by 11hey
chopp1hg ehough 1Jesh oJgah1c gaJ1c bubs 1o 11 a ey aJ,
ahd coveJ1hg 1hem w11h oJgah1c o1ve o1. CoveJ 1he aJ w11h
cheeseco1h hed oh w11h a JubbeJ bahd. Le1 1he m1x1uJe s11 1h a
waJm Joom 1oJ a week oJ a suhhy w1hdow 1oJ seveJa houJs {11 you
heed 11 J1gh1 away). S1Ja1h 1he o1 ahd s1oJe 11 1h ah ambeJ
gass aJ. The waJmed o1 1s 1heh paced 1h 1he eaJ ahd pugged
w11h a co11oh ba. Leave 1h oveJh1gh1 ahd 1Jea1 h1gh1y uh11
1he 1h1ec11oh 1s gohe. Th1s 1heJapy 1s ho1 1o be used 1h cases o1
eaJdJum peJ1oJa11oh. A wohdeJ1u gaJ1c cough syJup cah be made
by s1mmeJ1hg 1Jeshy chopped gaJ1c 1h appe c1deJ v1hegaJ 1oJ 10
m1hu1es. S1Ja1h 1he Jesu11hg 1qu1d, add hohey ahd s1mmeJ dowh
uh11 1he m1x1uJe 1s 1h1ck ahd syJupy. The v1hegaJ heu1Ja1zes
1he gaJ1c 1as1e, mak1hg 11 much moJe 1oeJabe, ye1 pJeseJv1hg
1he ah11b1o11c e11ec1.
CThCER R00T {Z1hz1beJ o111c1ae) - C1hgeJ has a caJm1ha11ve e1#
1ec1, wh1ch meahs 1ha1 11 w1 hep Je1eve d1ges11ve pJobems
wh1ch Jesu1 1h gas 1oJma11oh. T1 1s aso a d1aphoJe11c, used
bo1h as a 1ea ahd added 1o a soak1hg ba1h 1o s11mua1e swea11hg
ahd Jeduce 1eveJs. Th cases o1 abdom1ha mehs1Jua cJamp1hg, a
g1hgeJ 1omeh1a11oh cah be made. A 1omeh1a11oh 1s pJepaJed by
s1c1hg 1-3 aJge Joo1s 1h1o a ha1 gaoh o1 wa1eJ ahd s1mmeJ1hg
1h a coveJed pah 1oJ a1 eas1 30 m1hu1es. A co11oh co1h 1s 1heh
d1pped 1h 1he m1x1uJe, wJuhg ou1 {weaJ JubbeJ goves, 11`s ho1!)
ahd app1ed 1o 1he abdomeh as ho1 as cah be w11hs1ood. Two 1oded
ba1h 1owes aJe paced oh 1op 1o hep ma1h1a1h 1he hea1 o1 1he
1omeh1a11oh as 1he 1heJapy pJogJesses. Th1eJhay, 1/4 1easpooh
o1 g1hgeJ oJ ohe dJoppeJ1u o1 1he 1u1d ex1Jac1 cah be added 1o
1 cup o1 waJm wa1eJ 1o aev1a1e hausea/moJh1hg s1ckhess/mo11oh
s1ckhess ahd 1o a1d d1ges11oh.
KELP {heJeocys11s eu1keaha) The kep 1am1y, wh1ch 1hcudes
kombu, wakame, aJame ahd h11k1, 1s khowh 1oJ 11s ab111y 1o
comba1 1he e11ec1s o1 Jad1a11oh 1h 1he body. Rad1oac11ve s1Joh#
11um-90, ohe o1 1he moJe pJevaeh1 souJces o1 Jad1a11oh, 1s
s1oJed 1h ouJ bohes, ahd coh1J1bu1es 1o ohg 1eJm d1seases such
as eukem1a, bohe cahceJ, hodgk1hs d1sease, ahem1a, ahd decJeased
pJoduc11oh o1 Jed ahd wh11e bood ces. The sod1um ag1ha1e
1ouhd 1h 1he kep 1am1y b1hds w11h 1he Jad1oac11ve 1so1ope 1h
1he gas1Jo1h1es11ha 1Jac1 ahd 1oJms ah 1hsoube ge 1ke sa1
caed s1Joh11um ag1ha1e, wh1ch 1s sa1ey excJe1ed 1h 1he 1eces.
{FoJ moJe 1h1oJma11oh oh Jad1a11oh de1ox111ca11oh, see F1gh11hg
Rad1a11oh w11h Foods, heJbs ahd v11am1hs, by S1eveh Schech1eJ,
h0. Kep 1s Jecommehded as a da1y add111oh 1o 1he d1e1)
ST. J0hh`S W0RT {hypeJ1cum peJ1oJa1um) - The ex1Jac1 ahd o1 aJe
used ex1eJhay 1oJ bJu1ses, s1Ja1hs, spJa1hs, coh1us1ohs ahd
wouhds. The ex1Jac1 1s used 1h1eJhay as ah 1mmuhe sys1em s11mu#
ah1, 1oJ Je1Jo-v1Ja 1h1ec11ohs, as ah expec1oJah1 ahd ah11bac#
1eJ1a. T1 speeds 1he hea1hg o1 wouhds ahd buJhs ahd a1ds 1he
JegeheJa11oh o1 damaged heJve 11ssue. T1 1s used as ah ah11-de#
pJessah1 ahd 1o 1Jea1 bed we111hg ahd ch1dJeh`s h1gh1maJes. T1
1s aso khowh as Kama1h weed, a commoh pas1uJe pah1, ahd 1s
1ouhd 1hJoughou1 1he b.S.
vALERTAh R00T {vaeJ1aha o111c1ha1s) - vaeJ1ah 1s cassed as a
heJv1he ahd seda11ve w11h m1d pa1h Je1ev1hg pJopeJ11es, wh1ch
makes 11 a good cahd1da1e 1oJ s1Jess, ahx1e1y ahd Jes1ess 1hsom#
h1a. T1 has aso beeh used 1oJ 1h1es11ha co1c, mehs1Jua
cJamps, m1gJa1he headache, ahd Jheuma11c pa1h. A1hough 11 smes
1ke we used socks, 1he ex1Jac1 ahd 1ea aJe bo1h Jecommehded.
T1 1s v11ay 1mpoJ1ah1 1o pJopeJy 1deh111y 1he pah1 you aJe
haJves11hg be1oJe you use 11. FoJes1 SeJv1ce v1s11oJ ceh1eJs
caJJy pah1 1deh1111ca11oh books 1oJ 1he1J Jeg1oh, ahd 1he
Pe1eJseh F1ed Cu1de seJ1es pus a Jahge o1 med1c1ha pah1 hahd#
books aJe aso souJces o1 bo1ah1ca 1deh1111ca11oh. hos1 o1
1hese books cah be 1ouhd 1h oca books1oJes. T1 1s w1se 1o 1ake
casses oJ go w11h ah expeJ1ehced gu1de wheh you aJe 1h 1he eaJy
eaJh1hg s1ages. heJbs aJe pJec1ous ha1uJa JesouJces, ahd shoud
be ecoog1cay haJves1ed. The 1oow1hg gu1de1hes 1oJ haJves1#
1hg hep 1hsuJe heJb po1ehcy ahd puJ11y ahd hep pJeseJve 1he
spec1es 1oJ 1uJ1heJ ehoymeh1.
hed1c1ha heJbs shoud be.
1) Ca1heJed 1h 1he pJopeJ seasoh. CeheJa Jues aJe. BaJks 1h
1he spJ1hg, eaves be1oJe 1he pah1 1oweJs, 1oweJs oh 1he 11Js1
day o1 opeh1hg, Joo1s aJe bes1 1h 1he 1a {a1hough 1hey aJe
some11mes haJves1ed 1h spJ1hg, pJev1ous 1o aeJ1a pah1 deveop#
2) Ca1heJed 1h w1d hab11a1s wheJe 1he pah1s ha1uJay gJow oJ
shoud be oJgah1cay gJowh accoJd1hg 1o ceJ1111ca11oh s1ahdaJds
es1ab1shed by 1he s1a1e 1h wh1ch 1hey weJe haJves1ed.
3) haJves1ed 1h ah aJea 1Jee o1 chem1ca/1hdus1J1a pou11oh
o1 a1J, wa1eJ ahd so1.
4) Ca1heJed a1 eas1 1/4 m1e 1Jom ahy 1Javeed Joads, ahd a1
eas1 10 m1es 1Jom ahy was1e d1sposa oJ 1ox1c dump1hg aJeas.
5) PJo1ec1ed 1Jom oveJ-haJves11hg by eav1hg a1 eas1 3/4 o1
1he s1ahd 1h1ac1 1oJ JepJoduc11oh ahd coh11huahce o1 1he spec1es.
T1 Joo1s aJe dug, Joo1 cJowhs ahd seeds mus1 be Jepah1ed 1o
peJpe1ua1e 1he gJow1h ahd pJo11eJa11oh o1 1he pah1.
RepJ1h1ed w11h peJm1ss1oh AhERTCAh SbRvTvAL CbT0E. JbLY 1991###################

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